Definition of



Indignation is vehement anger.

The first step that must be taken in order to understand the meaning of the term indignation that concerns us now is to make its etymological origin clear. In this sense, we would have to explain that it emanates from Latin, and more precisely from the word indignatio , which can be translated as "irritation and anger at an event or situation that is considered unworthy."

Indignation is vehement anger or anger against a person or against their actions . This emotion can be associated with anger , irritability or fury .

For example: “The girl's crime caused outrage among the neighbors,” “The Spaniards have expressed their indignation against the politicians in a massive march,” “The chancellor's words produced great indignation in the country.”

Characteristics of indignation

Outrage is usually a spontaneous reaction against something that is considered unacceptable. This emotion can lead to more or less organized actions , such as a protest march. Outrage can also be reflected in an immediate violent emotion , such as hitting or insults.

Take the case of a mayor who is discovered stealing public funds that should have been allocated to the construction of a hospital . The community warns that its own money, which was to be invested to improve the health service, has been appropriated by a corrupt man. The reaction of indignation does not take long to appear and people spontaneously gather in front of the municipality to demand the resignation of the official.


It is common for indignation to occur spontaneously in the face of what is considered unacceptable.

Physical and behavioral consequences

Getting angry involves a series of physical changes , as it increases blood pressure and heart rate.

At the behavioral level, indignation becomes the predominant driver of action and thought . It is almost impossible for a person who becomes indignant not to reflect that emotion either physically or verbally.

Indignation as the axis of a social and political movement

Lastly, it is known as the indignant movement , a group of people that was formed in Spain from a series of protests that promoted a more participatory democracy and a true division of powers.

Specifically, those Spaniards were the ones who grouped together under the name 15-M Movement, a name that alluded to the date, May 15, 2011, in which a total of forty people decided to camp in Madrid's Puerta del Sol to to record their absolute rejection not only of the two-party system that exists in the country but also of the fact that the banks are the ones that, in many aspects, control the nation.

This movement was peaceful, the result of indignation, to which more and more citizens progressively joined who consider that the people together are the ones who have the key to fight against political corruption, against the “control” of financial entities and business or against the cuts that the rulers are carrying out and that are causing ordinary people to see their rights undermined in terms of education or health, for example.

This movement had multiple repercussions and ramifications. In one of the most important social networks in the world, such as Facebook, there is a group titled “Indignados de Argentina”. There are numerous Argentines who are totally against the measures that their country's politicians are adopting, considering that they go against citizens and their well-being.