Definition of


The verb rebuke , which derives from the Latin increpāre , refers to the act of scolding or scolding severely .

We must emphasize that this Latin term is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated lexical components:

-The prefix “in-”, which in this case means “inwards”.

-The verb “crepare”, which is synonymous with “crunch” and “produce a dry noise”.

When rebuking, the aim is to obtain a response or reaction from the person rebuked.

rebukeFor example: “The man stopped his vehicle in the middle of the avenue to scold another driver, whom he accused of making a bad maneuver,” “The soccer player, furious, began to scold the technical director for the change,” “When "He saw me wearing my team's shirt, the young man started to scold me, but then he calmed down."

Rebuke, scold, warn, scold, correct, reprimand, lecture and even insult are some of the words that function as synonyms for the term we are now dealing with. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find words such as praise, exalt, praise or magnify, for example.

When someone dedicates themselves to rebuking another individual, they express their anger or discomfort about a situation. Take the case of a family dinner where, in the middle of a talk, a man states that women have to dedicate themselves only to cooking and washing clothes since, in his opinion, they don't know how to do anything else. Faced with this attitude typical of machismo, a girl who is part of the meeting gets angry and decides to rebuke the subject, pointing out that she has a university degree, assumes great responsibilities at work and is also responsible for raising her children. By publicly rebuking the individual, therefore, he exposes the chauvinist's ignorance.

In the field of politics, the term increase is very frequently used. Specifically, it is used in the media to refer to the fact that a minister, for example, has attended a public event or given a conference and has been rebuked by citizens who were waiting for him at the doors of the place where it was going to take place. the aforementioned event.

Thus, it can be said: “The Minister of Education was rebuked at the entrance to the university, where he was going to give a lecture. “Young university students wanted to reproach him for his measures to cut scholarships and aid.”

In the same way, in the world of sports, unfortunately, this verb is also used many times. Thus, for example, on several occasions Lionel Messi has been rebuked at the end of a match he lost with the Argentine team. Fans of the team have reproached him for not playing with as much enthusiasm or with as much success as when he plays matches with FC Barcelona.

Sometimes rebuking allows you to express an annoyance and little else. In other situations, however, it may be the first step in developing a constructive dialogue or reaching an agreement . A teenager, angry with a friend, scolds him because he believes he acted badly at a certain moment. Upon learning of this displeasure, the rebuked boy understands that he was wrong, apologizes, and undertakes not to behave that way again.