Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term unbeliever, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “incredulus”, which can be translated as “who does not believe easily” and which is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language:

-The prefix “in-”, which means “no” or “without”.

-The verb “credere”, which is synonymous with “believe”.

-The suffix “-ulo”, which is usually used as a diminutive.

This adjective can be used to describe someone who does not tend to quickly believe what they hear or observe , or what they consider to be unproven.

IncredulousFor example: “The coach was incredulous about the result since, in his opinion, his team did everything necessary to win,” “After seeing the news on television, the man, in disbelief, called his boss. to find out what had really happened,” “Millions of people gathered in disbelief in front of the screens to appreciate the meeting between the leaders of both countries after decades of confrontation.”

Among its synonyms we find words such as impious, disbelieving, distrustful, skeptical or suspicious. On the contrary, among its antonyms there are terms such as gullible, believer, trusting, innocent or naive.

The unbeliever, in short, tends not to believe . He usually looks for evidence or wants to analyze different versions to convince himself. Suppose a young man meets a friend who informs him that the president has resigned. The boy doubts these sayings and that is why, when entering a business, he asks the seller what he knows about it. Despite receiving the same information , he remains incredulous, so he decides to read newspapers on the Internet to corroborate the news. As can be seen, the young disbeliever does not quite accept the veracity of the news.

Those who lack religious faith are also classified as disbelievers. For the unbeliever, God does not exist and miracles do not occur: that is why his life goes beyond the mandates of religion and without expecting anything supernatural to happen.

In some cases, an unbeliever can become a believer after experiencing or appreciating something that cannot be explained by reason or science . Thus stop being unbelieving and embrace faith.

In the field of literature we also have to highlight that there are several works that have the term we are addressing in their titles. This would be the case of the work “Confessions of an Unbeliever and Other Selected Essays”, which was written by the famous author HP Lovecraft. It is a set of articles and essays that show the most skeptical, provocative and ingenious side of said pen.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of a brand of wine that responds to the title Incredulous. It belongs to the Vinos de Toro denomination and is from the Pago de Cubas Winery. It is presented as a young red wine, with character and a notable power of flavor.