Definition of



Inconsistency can be associated with an imbalance.

The absence of consistency is called inconsistency . This term (consistency), in turn, refers to firmness , persistence or balance .

That which has inconsistency, therefore, lacks solidity or stability . For example: “The inconsistency of the government plan became evident a few months into the new president's administration,” “At the Social Security Agency they told me that they detected inconsistencies in the documentation I presented,” “He is a very talented player. but its inconsistency is notorious.”

When something presents inconsistency, it lacks strength or is not stable. The concept can be used to refer to physical or symbolic characteristics, and can even be applied to a person to refer to some personality trait.

Examples of inconsistency

Suppose that, with the objective of raising funds, an entrepreneur presents a project to a potential investor, who agrees to analyze the proposal. After studying the idea, he decides not to contribute money since, in his opinion, it is a project with inconsistencies . For this person, it is not clear how the entrepreneur plans to make the activity profitable or how he will make it sustainable over time.

The inconsistency of an athlete , meanwhile, becomes evident when the player fails to sustain good performance throughout a season or even in a single match. Take the case of a footballer who plays as a striker: after scoring goals in two consecutive games, he goes eight games without scoring. In the eleventh game he scored a goal again, but did not achieve it in the following four games. These swings in performance cause sports journalists to criticize the striker's inconsistency.


Inconsistency is related to the lack of firmness or solidity, whether physical or symbolic.

The term in the kitchen

In the kitchen, consistency is achieved through the use of different ingredients that help amalgamate the rest to prevent a mixture from being difficult to handle or having some soft parts and others hard.

Inconsistency can be a determining point in the appreciation of a dish, a negative characteristic that leads diners to not be able to fully appreciate it. This can occur in doughs, creams and sauces, among other recipes.

Inconsistency, a defect

When carrying out a project of any type, inconsistency is one of the defects that we must avoid by all means since, just like on a plate of food, it can interfere between us and the recipients, dirtying the message to the point. to prevent them from understanding our intentions. Take as an example a news portal dedicated to the world of technology; This description is too brief to know its objectives and character, and for this reason to achieve consistency we must start from a solid base .

The first step, therefore, is to define with the greatest precision and depth possible the characteristics of our project, paying attention to both our goals and those things we want to avoid. A website dedicated to nascent technologies is not the same as one focused on the first computers in history, and many times it is not advisable to cover so much. If we decide on one of the two extremes and, after a few months of publishing articles on this topic, we burst in with one of the other, the portal will suffer an inconsistency that will affect the public's perception of it.

When more than one person works on the same project, on the other hand, the consistency of the content is also at risk if certain style rules are not established from the beginning: the topics to be discussed, the possible approaches, the limits of the length of an article. , the number of images and their dimensions, etc.