In order to know the meaning of the term disability, the first thing we have to do is discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from "incapacitas", which can be translated as "quality of not being capable" and that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components of said language :
-The prefix «in-«, which means «no» or «without».
-The verb "capere", which is synonymous with "take".
-The suffix "-dad", which is used to indicate "quality."
Disability is called the lack of capacity , preparation or understanding . Whoever does not have the capacity to do something, is not suitable or suitable for said action.
For example: "The president has shown a notorious inability to solve social conflicts" , "Our company deals daily with the inability to pay of many clients, but we understand that the economic situation is complex" , "After the failed surgical intervention, the man applied for a benefit for work incapacity» .
Specifically, among the synonyms of the term in question we can highlight words such as inability, incompetence, ineptitude, ignorance, clumsiness or penury. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find words such as ability, competence, experience, knowledge or aptitude.
In the field of law , incapacity is the lack of legal aptitude for the exercise of certain public offices or for the valid execution of certain actions. It is understood that legal incapacity , therefore, is the absence of capacity to acquire or exercise rights.
A person with legal incapacity must have a curator or guardian who safeguards their rights and intervenes in the acts that they cannot perform. It is important to mention that there are different degrees of disability.
At the work level, on the other hand, disability is a temporary or permanent situation that arises due to an illness or a mental or physical disorder that makes it impossible to carry out a work activity. Those who are incapable of working usually have the right to receive a social security benefit, since they are not able to work.
In addition to all of the above, we have to point out that when we talk about work incapacity there are two very different types:
-Temporary disability, also called IT. This is what is suffered by a worker who is unable to do his or her job punctually due to an illness or accident and who requires medical assistance. The maximum duration of this type of disability is twelve months and during this period you are entitled to the corresponding subsidy.
-Permanent disability, which is also known as PI, is that suffered by the employee who, after having undergone the corresponding medical treatment, has had his or her physiological functions seriously and definitively reduced considerably. Hence, his ability to work has been diminished or nullified.
At a general level, we speak of physical disability when an individual presents the total or partial loss of an innate capacity due to an injury , an acquired or congenital disease or another reason. Mental incapacity , in turn, is linked to an alteration in reasoning that makes it difficult to adapt to society or prevents the recognition of reality.