Definition of


InadmissibleInadmissible is a term that refers to that which is not admissible : that is, that cannot be admitted, tolerated or accepted. The inadmissible, therefore, is unacceptable .

For example. "It is unacceptable that the government wants to cut pensions!" , "The level of violence in this city is unacceptable: all political parties should work together to find a solution" , "I find it unacceptable that a billionaire businessman does not pay his employees what they are entitled to" .

In most cases, the government's actions are questioned by some part of the population: it is not possible for all citizens to agree , and this leads to there always being a percentage of people dissatisfied with official measures. However, many times the decisions seem to have twisted intentions: although it may seem inadmissible, spankings of foreigners, the elderly, the working classes and homosexuals are common.

When something is classified as inadmissible, it means that it cannot be approved or allowed . Suppose that, in a nightclub, young people are encouraged to consume alcoholic beverages excessively so that they become intoxicated. This attitude of those in charge of the nightclub is unacceptable to the majority of adults, especially to the parents of the boys who go to said place, who warn them about the damage to health caused by alcoholism. That is why they protest to the authorities, demanding that the place be closed.

The use of certain words , on the other hand, is unacceptable in a plural, diverse and inclusive society. There are concepts that are hurtful and discriminatory, which can cause harm to the recipient. Using the idea of ​​"Indian" to refer to a rude, uneducated or violent person, to name one example, is unacceptable since it associates indigenous or aboriginal people with these negative qualities. The same happens with the notion of "black" when it is used in a pejorative way.

InadmissibleIn society we encounter unacceptable attitudes every day, such as situations of verbal or physical abuse, lack of compassion on the part of the government towards the most needy citizens, unethical attitudes on the part of security forces and the deliberate denial of certain people to respect the care of the environment .

All of these examples may seem easy to spot and qualify in this way; However, some manage to camouflage themselves behind the veil of customs and traditions. The discrimination suffered by people in the LGBTQ+ community is unacceptable for many, but deserved for many others. How can we justify mistreatment of innocent beings, physical or verbal violence against someone simply because they do not lead a certain life? The answer, as archaic as it is absurd, is that everything that deviates from the norm and customs is not correct.

With respect to sexual orientation, for example, there are millions of detractors who organize themselves in different ways with the aim of "normalizing" anyone who is not heterosexual. Although it may be hard to believe, there are therapies that aim to treat homosexuality as if it were a disease, to convert "patients" into heterosexuals. It is inadmissible that someone judges the sexuality of others negatively, that the authorities of certain countries can condemn someone for not being heterosexual, that so many are persecuted, abused and murdered for this reason; However, from the point of view of those who exercise these laws , their actions are admissible and fair.

In the field of law , finally, it is said that a request, an appeal or a demand is inadmissible when it does not have the necessary formal conditions to be taken into account.