Definition of


Using the phone while driving

Using the phone while driving a vehicle is reckless.

Latin is where we can establish the etymological origin of the term imprudence that we are now going to address. Specifically, we have to indicate that it derives from "imprudentia", which we can point out that it is a word that is the result of adding several lexical components of said language:

-The prefix «im-«, which means «no».

-The "pro" element, which is synonymous with "forward."

-The verb "videre", which can be translated as "see".

-The suffix «-ntia», which is used to indicate the quality of the person who performs an action.

What is recklessness

The term imprudence refers to the absence of prudence : caution, moderation, care . Whoever acts recklessly, therefore, does so without good judgment .

For example: "The accident occurred due to recklessness on the part of the truck driver" , "The judge must determine whether the police officer was reckless when shooting inside the bar" , "I am angry at the recklessness of parents who do not pay attention." to their children while they play in the square .

Synonyms and antonyms

In addition to those already indicated, we cannot overlook another important series of synonyms for the term at hand. Among these, some can be highlighted such as carelessness, folly, recklessness, irresponsibility, lightness, thoughtlessness or impremeditation.

On the contrary, among its antonyms we find words such as caution, moderation, care, good sense, responsibility, reflection or premeditation.


Acting recklessly can put your own life and that of others at risk.

Imprudence in different actions

Recklessness is usually reflected in behaviors that endanger oneself and/or other people. A man who drives at high speed in a city and without braking at intersections is acting recklessly as he could cause a serious accident. The person who performs work at heights without a harness or any type of restraint is also committing recklessness.

When we talk about the errors that a healthcare worker may have made in the exercise of their work and that may have consequences for their patients, we talk about recklessness and negligence. Sometimes, there are those who use them as synonyms, but they are different.

Differences with negligence

Thus, medical negligence, for example, occurs when the professional does not act in accordance with the standards of his or her profession or in accordance with the abilities and skills that he or she has as such.

On the contrary, recklessness occurs when said professional performs an action recklessly, seriously endangering the recovery or life of the patient in question.

In the field of law , recklessness is associated with guilt , caused by the omission of a necessary diligence to foresee the effects of the action. When the fault is serious and cannot be excused, it is reckless imprudence.

Recklessness, in this framework, is punishable when it implies the existence of negligence on the part of the person who did not take due precautions. By acting recklessly and inexcusably, the reckless person commits a crime .

Suppose a boy takes his three minor children on his motorcycle, all of them - like him - without helmets. When turning onto a street, he loses control of the vehicle and the children fall to the ground, suffering various injuries . The driver can be judged for his recklessness, since he should have foreseen the risk of transporting his children in that way.