Definition of



Drinking water is essential for life.

Essential is an adjective that refers to that which cannot be dispensed with . Describes a living being or thing without which a particular problem cannot be solved; In other words, your participation is absolutely necessary . For example: water is essential for life; No living being can exist if it does not consume a certain amount of liquid per day.

In a similar sense, the sun is also essential for the existence of life. Both the plant and animal kingdoms depend on its presence to meet different objectives: plants take advantage of it to carry out photosynthesis, many animals (our species included) to change their skin and keep our body temperature above the minimum, and all of them to than the renewal of water through rain.

The essential as something obligatory

Essential, on the other hand, is something obligatory . It can be used in a corporate context, to refer to the regulations of a company, indicating that it is imperative to comply with a series of standards for its correct functioning. This use is, unlike the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, very questionable , given that it arises by decision of the human being and, therefore, he can change his mind and nullify the weight of his own rules.

Continuing in this same context, human beings usually look for different structures on which to support ourselves and build our lives , both ideologically and socially and economically. Just because we uphold a principle for decades does not mean we will never question and discard it . Likewise, it is worth mentioning that there is no idea on which all people agree. It doesn't matter the field, it doesn't matter if it is a scientifically proven fact; There will always be a minimum of two opposing opinions on any issue of interest to our species.


For humans, including meat in the diet is not essential.

Eating meat, is it necessary?

One of the most difficult myths to eradicate is the human need to eat meat , and more and more studies try to demonstrate that it is far from being essential for us , but is potentially harmful to our health . Overweight , for example, is related to the consumption of meat, since it has a type of fat that is deposited under the skin; In addition, it has been proven that they collaborate with the development of heart attacks and diabetes , among other disorders.

Another consequence of eating meat is the appearance of colon cancer , since the proportions of fat and fiber can slow down the transit of the intestine, causing the toxic substances in the food to remain longer in the colon mucosa.

Higher education as an essential factor

In many parts of the world, finally, university studies are considered essential for professional success. However, the biographies of many famous people who did not support their careers with formal education show us that this has no validity: Steven Spielberg, an internationally famous film director; Barbra Streisand, singer and actress who has won every award ever invented in the art world; Luciano Pavarotti, whose voice has been praised by anyone who has heard it; Shigeru Miyamoto, the father of video games and a mind whose creativity seems to have no end...

The list goes on, and shows that what is truly essential is hard work to polish and shape natural talent . Innate abilities cannot be obtained in an educational center, but they are not enough by themselves to achieve great goals; It is necessary to channel them through study and practice, and this does not require a traditional structure , but can be carried out on one's own, seeking at each step the appropriate path for one.