Definition of



The unpredictable cannot be anticipated or predicted.

The unpredictable cannot be predicted , predicted or anticipated . It is about that which is impossible to predict and whose effects or scope are usually unknown .

For example: “The success of a film is unpredictable: sometimes you think that a proposal will do well and it fails, and in other cases you do not have faith in the product and it ends up setting a box office record,” “Earthquakes are unpredictable, Suddenly the Earth begins to shake and it is too late to take shelter.” “Football is an unpredictable sport that always leaves room for surprises.”

unpredictable people

The notion of unpredictable can also be used to describe people who have erratic behavior or who show a lack of coherence in their actions. That's why you can't know how they will act.

Suppose that the owner of a company usually makes layoffs for no reason, hires workers without knowing what task they will perform in the organization, and promotes and discards projects depending on his mood. All these characteristics make the entrepreneur an unpredictable man.

In some contexts, being unpredictable is a positive quality . If we focus on football , having unpredictable forwards is good for a team, since it is impossible for rival defenders to anticipate their plays. A footballer who tends to try to avoid his opponents by running to the left is easier to take the ball away from than one whose movements are unpredictable.


Many times the unpredictable brings excitement.

Life planning

In a profound sense, it is often said that life in general is unpredictable . Any planning can fall apart due to fortuitous or random events that force the original intention to be modified.

The unpredictable nature of life is also one of the characteristics that makes it more interesting. This can be seen at different times and situations. When we meet someone, for example, whether at school, in the office or in our building, among many other possibilities, we never know what kind of person they are; It takes us days, weeks and months to define it in our minds with a certain degree of precision, and even then it can surprise us with its behavior .

The impact of the unpredictable

In other words, the number of people we will meet throughout our lives and the characteristics of each of them is absolutely unpredictable. On the other hand we have apparently random events , both positive and negative. In the first group there are issues such as receiving a land increase when we least expect it, finding the house of our dreams at an affordable price or starting a great friendship at a party.

Negative unpredictable things can be serious illnesses, the death of a loved one due to an accident , or an unexpected excessive increase in the rent on our house: all things that hit us and force us to make decisions for which we were not prepared. . Needless to say, this is the worst news, the ones that often lead us to give up; However, if we can remember the possibility of positive things happening to us, then we can face them more strongly.

The unpredictable side of life that makes it exciting should be enough to withstand the pain that the other causes us with their strong spankings. But everyone knows how much they are willing to suffer, and no one can impose on others the obligation to move on after certain sad moments. Life should be a period in which we give and receive, sow and reap; If the investment is too large for the benefits, then we can try a change in strategy, thinking that we can always find a surprise around the corner.