Definition of



Implication can be used as a synonym for effect or consequence: it can refer, for example, to the implication of breakfast on health.

Implication is a term with several uses, according to the definitions indicated by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . It may be the consequence or sequel of something , a contradiction between terms or a moral or legal incompatibility to make a fair decision .

For example: "It is important to remind children of the implication of a nutritious breakfast on their health and daily activities" , "Those who commit crimes should take into account the implications of their criminal actions" , "The proliferation of infectious diseases is an implication of the floods” , “It is easy to detect the implications between what the official candidate said and the expressions of the main opposition” .

Implication at the judicial level

At the judicial level, an implication can be an issue that affects a judge who, under other conditions, would be competent to rule on a matter but who, because he is considered to have a current interest in the matter, causes him to lose the impartiality required for his decisions. functions.

The verb implicate , from the Latin implicare , can also refer to entangle, envelop, contain or carry within itself . That is why it is said that if a person is linked to some matter, they are involved in it. In this sense, reference can be made to the involvement of a man in a robbery, if certain evidence has been detected that incriminates him: “The prosecutor stated that he is close to proving the involvement of the accused in the bank robbery,” “The police suspects that the businessman is involved in a money laundering operation,” “It's incredible: they arrested me without any evidence of my involvement in the crime.”

As with many other terms in our language, the word implication is accepted mainly in some South American countries, such as Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, while in Spain implicación is used, which derives directly from a Latin word. Although their meanings are equivalent, they have certain differences, such as the Uruguayan and Chilean meaning that refers to a legal or moral incompatibility , indicated in the first paragraph.


The notion of implication is used in the judicial field.

The concept in logic

Knowing that implication and implication are synonymous terms, it is possible to talk about their role in logic . Logical calculus , also called logical derivation , is a system or algorithm that gives the possibility of deducing or inferring a true statement, starting from one or more that have been validated as true; Two of the ways in which it allows propositions to be connected and related are the truth-functional conditional and implication .

It is possible to read the following logical operation A -> B in two ways, depending on whether it is a truth-functional conditional or an implication: in the first case, its reading would be if A, then B , and this can be exemplified with the proposition «If we are in the year 2014, then the next year will be 2015» ; The other possible reading is A implies B , in which two propositions are related, each one with a different value, and a possible example is "We are in the year 2014", therefore "the next one will be 2015" .

Going deeper into the differences, the conditional reading results in the proposition having one of two possible values, which are true and false; In its table of truth values ​​(used to show the truth values ​​of compound propositions, considering all possible combinations of truth), it can be seen that this statement can only be false if A is true and B is false. For implication, on the other hand, B's statement depends on the validity of A's statement: if we lie when we say that "it is the year 2014" , then any proposition related to it loses validity.