Definition of



In a hospital, multiple services related to health are provided.

From the Latin hospitalis , a hospital is the space in which all types of services related to health are developed. In these facilities, therefore, diseases are diagnosed and different types of treatments are performed to restore the patients' health.

For example: "Tomorrow I have a shift at the hospital to perform the cardiological study" , "Quickly, let's take this man to the hospital who has hit his head very hard" , "The injured were taken to the nearest hospital" , "The candidate for mayor promised to double the budget allocated to the city's hospitals .

Origins of hospitals

The concept of hospital has its origins in hospes ( "guest" ), which later led to hospitalis . In ancient times, the concept was associated with the establishment where charitable tasks were carried out and the poor, the elderly, pilgrims and the sick were assisted. Over time, the idea of ​​a hospital began to be associated only with the care of those with health problems.

Within a hospital, there are various units that carry out all the tasks related to its operation. Thus, while doctors are dedicated to direct patient care, administrative staff are responsible for granting appointments and controlling the admission and discharge of patients. The management team , for its part, organizes the general operation of the hospital.

surgical intervention

Surgical interventions are performed in hospital operating rooms .

The research work

Hospitals are not only dedicated to diagnosis and cure, but are also centers of research and training for future doctors. Given that it is there where there is concrete and updated knowledge of the health needs of each region, it is the most ideal place to carry out a constant study of possible changes and improvements in the available medicinal techniques. But this research requires collaboration from the administrative and management area to ensure a legal and realistic application that improves the quality of life of the entire community.

The purely scientific aspect of research into diseases and their possible cures seeks irrefutable truth through tests and results. It will be ethics that will later be in charge of judging whether these discoveries, once put into practice, will benefit the people and guarantee compliance with their rights. It is regrettable that the treatment of animals , who are the subject of experiments that usually end in their death , is not judged with equal rigor.

Hospital abuse and false degrees

It should be noted that hospitals can be divided into general , maternal and child , psychiatric or geriatric , among other specialties. And it is in these last two cases where the number of complaints against abuses of all kinds grows year after year. Rape, neglect, physical and emotional abuse, as well as financial exploitation (especially in the case of the elderly) are common crimes in these centers . Despite being punished by the laws of different countries, there are more and more people who are subjected to horrible realities and unable to escape them.

But another form of abuse that may not be classified as such is what occurs when a person with an illegal degree practices medicine . It is very common to associate this phenomenon with cosmetic surgery and abortion, but it also affects dentistry , pediatrics and, finally, medicine in general. In recent years, numerous cases have been reported in the United States, Italy, Spain and Latin America, among other regions. To give a concrete example, a journalistic investigation has discovered that an Andalusian center offered false degrees for 18,000 euros .

Recently, this terrifying reality has been added to the news that in many hospitals we can find doctors whose degrees have not been approved. Although these people have complete training, given by the corresponding faculty , their way of proceeding is illegal and calls into question their objective as health professionals.