Definition of



To cook food, it is common to use an oven.

An oven is a device that allows you to generate heat and maintain it within a certain compartment . In this way, it can fulfill various functions, such as cooking food or smelting minerals. Of course, there are different types of ovens depending on the use.

Thus it can be said that an oven, a term that comes from the Latin furnus , is the closed culinary device that allows you to roast, heat or gratin food; the heating factory ; the pile of firewood or brick for carbonization or calcination ; and the bowling alley for smelting lead ores , for example.

The energy to power a furnace can be obtained in various ways, such as combustion (wood or gas), radiation (sunlight) or electricity (in the case of electric furnaces).

Types of oven

Starting from this different energy supply that the oven has, a classification takes place that gives rise to the following main categories:

  • Gas oven : As its name indicates, it is one that uses natural gas as fuel.
  • Wood oven : In its case, this works from the use of wood and logs, that is, firewood . Although it is not currently the most widely used, it is important to emphasize the fact that there are many establishments, within the gastronomic sector, that rely on it since it makes food acquire a special flavor. In this way, artisanal bakeries and even restaurants specializing in certain dishes, such as lamb or lamb, are committed to making their products using it.
  • Electric oven : At the moment it is perhaps one of the most used types of ovens both for its ease of use and for the fact that it is very comfortable since you simply need to plug it into the electric current.
microwave oven

The microwave oven works by producing electromagnetic waves around 2.5 GHz.

The microwave and the crematorium

Microwave ovens , known simply as microwaves , are those that operate through the generation of electromagnetic waves around 2.5 GHz.

The operation of the microwave occurs thanks to the water molecules contained in the food, which have an electric dipole (with a positive and a negative charge).

On the other hand, the crematory oven is the device that allows the cremation of corpses. It usually reaches a temperature of between 870º and 980º to guarantee the complete disintegration of the body.

Expressions with the term oven

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that there are various colloquial expressions that we use that incorporate the use of the term in question. This would be the case, for example, of the one that says "the bun oven is not there." An adverbial phrase that makes it clear that the situation being experienced at that moment is not the most appropriate or convenient for making jokes or taking certain measures. An example of this would be: «Juan, stop telling jokes. The bun oven is not there after we found out about your betrayal .

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the term oven is used to name any place that is very hot or where it is very hot: "This house is an oven" , "My car looks like an oven, the air conditioner does not work" .