Honor is a moral quality that leads the subject to fulfill one's duties with respect to one's neighbor and oneself. It is an ideological concept that justifies behaviors and explains social relationships.
There are various shared rules that are based on ideals and that constitute what constitutes honorable conduct within a community . For example: Scamming parents for money is not honorable behavior. A cowardly attitude, on the other hand, threatens a person's honor.
Dignity and homage
Honor, in many cases, is linked to dignity . If a man insults another man's wife, he must, in some way, defend her and save his good name. Otherwise, his honor would be affected.
Honor is also a tribute or entertainment that is paid to someone: "A banquet was held in honor of such an illustrious visitor," "He was greeted with honors by virtue of his great performance."
Do honors
In the same way we find the existence of an expression that uses the term we are addressing at the moment. This is the verbal phrase "do honors to", with which it is made clear that it is being demonstrated that someone is worthy of a specific element or fact. A clear example of this would be the following sentence: "The Prince honored his title with his intervention."
In this sense, we must not forget another phrase that also uses the aforementioned concept. It's about "doing the honors." A verbal phrase has two possible meanings. Thus, first of all, it is used to determine that a host is adequately serving his guests. And on the other hand, it refers to the guests themselves when they eat enough of the food they have been given, thus expressing appreciation for it.
Exaltation and modesty
Another use of the term refers to the act by which a person feels exalted: "That a writer of his talent has such complimentary words about my work is a true honor," "His Majesty's visit is an honor for the entire town" , "The greatest honor in life was having played a game in front of the eyes of my idol" .
When the term is applied to women, it refers to honesty and modesty: "Estela saw her honor outraged by Humberto's words," "Madam, have the decorum to save your honor and stop making a fool of yourself."
Maid of honor and honor plate
All this without forgetting that the expression bridesmaid exists. It is a term that refers, for example, to the woman who acts as the bride's companion at a wedding and is with her at all times.
Of course, the term honors must not be overlooked. Within the educational field, it is used to establish the maximum possible score for a student in an exam or as a final grade for a course or subject. Specifically, this grade is above the known outstanding grade and in the university environment it allows the student to have a series of reductions in tuition payments in the following year.