Definition of



Habits are religious clothing and uniforms.

Originating from the Latin term habĭtus , habit is a concept with multiple meanings. It may be the clothing or uniform that a subject uses according to his or her condition or status. The most frequent use of the notion is linked to religious habit .

For example: "A Catholic priest from my town abandoned his habits to marry the mayor's daughter," "Father, where is your habit?" , "The habits of this congregation are very beautiful."

The most common use of habit is associated with the habit or routine that is acquired by repeating similar behaviors. These habits can also be associated with instinct and heredity: "I have the habit of drinking a glass of liquor before going to sleep" , "I remember that my grandfather had the habit of getting up before dawn to go buy freshly baked bread" , "I recommend you stop that habit: it is not healthy."

Types of habits

In addition to what has been highlighted, and with regard to its meaning of custom, we can emphasize that there are clearly five different types of habits. Firstly there would be the so-called physical ones, which are all those that are carried out in relation to our body. Thus we can talk about healthy physiques whose objective is to protect the body, as would be the case of frequently practicing sports.

Another important type of habit is affective. Under this name a series of actions are included that are carried out by human beings in order to relate to those around them, with their environment. That is, they are the habits that are carried out with regard to a partner, friends, family or work.

Social habits are, in turn, all those that refer to the different customs that are an intrinsic part of a group, a culture, or a society. This name could include everything from “traditions” in the field of food to issues related to clothing or even the way of behaving.

Equally relevant are moral habits, all of them are those that determine what is the “correct” way that an individual must have to act in his life, what criteria he must follow to be a “good” person and not go against of society which will mean assuming a series of consequences.

And finally there are the so-called intellectual habits, which are those that revolve around intellect, understanding.


A habit can be a custom: "I have the habit of jogging several kilometers a day."

The concept in different sciences

For psychology , habits are behaviors that are repeated with a certain regularity and that develop without the person having to reason.

In the field of geology , a crystalline habit is the external appearance of a mineral. Habit, therefore, allows us to describe what a mineral looks like at a macroscopic level.

For botany , for its part, the habit refers to the shape of a plant species, determined by its stem, its branches and its texture, among other characteristics.

A habit, finally, is a distinction that identifies a military order and the name they perceive.