Definition of



Grace is what makes a person likable.

A grace is a quality that makes a person or thing pleasant . From the Latin gratĭa , the term can be used with different meanings depending on the context, generally linked to charisma and charm . For example: "Antonia has a natural grace that is very seductive" , "Those pants are not graceful" .

Grace is, on the other hand, a favor, a gift or a concession that is made without any particular merit: "If you hire our service, you have a two-month grace period," "Miguel bought a computer in installments and they gave him three months of grace before starting to pay .

The ability of someone or something to amuse or make you laugh is also known as funny: "That story makes me very funny," "The story is not very funny." The term can be used ironically to express just the opposite: "You can imagine that my mother-in-law's visit was very funny to me."

Ability to entertain

Grace as the ability to entertain can refer to a person's hilarity or ingenuity . He who is funny is someone who is funny and handles humor well to generate laughter .

This individual, who is mentioned as funny , finds it natural to tell jokes, for example. That is why they are people suitable for comedy and for working in the entertainment industry, to mention two possibilities.

It is often said that comic actors are funny. Take the case of Jim Carrey : this performer has an enormous facility for entertaining. His gestures and body management make him a hilarious man. In any case, we must consider that reality can be very different from what is seen in fiction. A comedian who inspires laughter on stage or on a set may be a melancholic or moody man in his personal life. On the other hand, a journalist can be serious and formal in front of the television cameras and be very humorous outside the workplace.

Grace in the judicial field

In the same way, we must not forget that within the judicial field the term that we are now analyzing is also used.

Specifically, in this sector, when the word grace is used, it is used to refer to the pardon that the relevant authority provides for the sentence of a convicted person.

Other uses of the term

Grace can be the skill in executing something ( "She's not pretty, but she acts very gracefully" ) and the action that a child performs to show off ( "Juani always does his funny thing to amuse the grandparents" ).

The given name can also be mentioned as grace: "My grace is Esteban" , "What is your grace, sir?" .

For Christianity , grace is associated with spirituality since it is a supernatural favor that God grants to human beings to help them on the path of salvation . In these cases, we speak of divine grace or sanctifying grace and it is related to divine love . The definition of divine grace, however, has changed over the course of history .


It is said that someone is funny when they usually make others laugh.

The Gracia district

In addition to everything mentioned, it is also interesting to emphasize that in Barcelona one of its best-known areas is the Gracia or Gràcia district. A space located north of the Catalan capital that is famous mainly for the fact that Parc Güell is located on its land, one of the most majestic and surprising works of the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí .

But not only that, because in this bohemian neighborhood that attracts tourism there is also Paseo de Gracia . It is one of its most important artistic and commercial arteries. Here you will find everything from the most luxurious fashion brand stores to important historical and artistic buildings. Specifically, we can establish that on this street there are modernist constructions classified as World Heritage : Casa Milá , Casa Batló , Casa Amatller and Casa Lleó Morera .

The Casa Vicens (another work by Gaudí ), the Plaza de la Villa de Gràcia and the Church of Nuestra Señora del Coll are other important places in the district of Gracia , whose population is around 124,000 inhabitants and is the second with the highest demographic density. in Barcelona . It should be noted that Gracia borders Horta-Guinardó , Sarriá-San Gervasio and Ensanche .


Various architectural gems can be found in the streets of Gràcia or Gracia.

A painting by Rubens

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that one of the most important paintings in the history of art has the word we are studying in its title.

We are referring to the work "The Three Graces" that Rubens created in the first half of the 17th century and which represents three Greek goddesses: Thalia , Aglaia and Euphrosyne .