Definition of


The first step we are going to take is to know the etymological origin of the term recording that concerns us now. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from French, specifically from the word "graver" which, in turn, comes from the German "graben", which can be translated as "burilar" or "dig".

Recording is the act and result of recording : recording sounds or images. The concept can also refer to the tape, disk or medium with recorded material .

RecordingFor example: "The Colombian artist announced that the recording of his new album will take place in a studio in Miami" , "The police are analyzing the security camera recordings" , "My uncle was a great singer, but unfortunately he did not let no recording .

It can be said that the recording process consists of the capture and/or conversion of information , which is stored in a certain medium or support. Once recorded, that recording can be played back.

Recordings of text are known as engravings or prints . These recordings allow the storage and dissemination of the written word. The idea of ​​recording, however, is currently usually associated with audio or video recording .

A recording studio , in this sense, is a place specially prepared for musicians to record their compositions. Recording can be analog or digital depending on the type of signal being recorded.

Suppose a rock band wants to record an album of their songs. For this you must use a recording studio, in which each musician will record their performances. The singer will do the same with his voice. Then the sound professionals will be in charge of mixing the tracks so that the album is ready.

In this case we have to explain that a recording studio is made up of two clearly differentiated rooms. Thus, on the one hand, there is the recording room, which is where the artist, through the existing microphones, speaks or sings. On the other hand, there is the control room, which is where the technicians record the sound that comes from the aforementioned microphones and proceed to save them. What's more, this room is where effects will be introduced, the capture made will be improved, sounds will be mixed... And all this is thanks to the use of effects, computers, mixing console...

In the same way, it should not be overlooked that the recording of phone calls made between two terminals can also be carried out. Specifically, in recent years the number of smartphones that incorporate this function has increased. Thus, for example, there are people who use this option to, for example, have evidence on a specific matter.

Likewise, there are journalists who also choose this type of recording when, for example, they conduct an interview with a famous person over the telephone.

As for video recording , it is often done using cameras that record images for security reasons. A restaurant may have a camera that films and records what happens in the room: in the event of a robbery, it is possible to use the recording to analyze what happened and identify those responsible for the crime.