Definition of


FatThe adjective fat is used to describe someone who is overweight . A fat individual, therefore, has a high amount of fat in his or her body. For example: "As a child I was very skinny, but since I got married I am fat" , "The suspect in the crime is a short, fat man with blonde hair" , "The doctor told my son that he is too fat and he "He told me to go see a nutritionist to help him lose weight."

For a long time, being overweight was linked to an aesthetic issue . Someone fat, in this framework, could be discriminated against or mocked for their appearance. However, although these issues remain, today it is understood that excess weight is a health problem .

Although today obesity is no longer associated with beauty, or at least towards that point of acceptance and respect we are moving as societies, we must not forget that the mere use of the term "fat" can be offensive and painful for those who use it. receives. In fact, referring to any physical characteristic of another person to refer to them should not be a custom that we adopt completely freely, but only if they propose it or assure that it does not bother them at all.

Despite this, the use of the word "gordo" as a nickname is very common. Generally, it is given in a loving tone, in confidence, among friends, but only those who have been overweight know how difficult it is to face the differences between their own body and that of the majority every day. Not seeing oneself reflected in the beauty models proposed by the film and music industries has very harsh consequences for many children, and leads them to stages of various psychological disorders.

There are various reasons that can lead someone to be fat. This condition is usually caused by excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and lack of physical activity . When a person consumes high-calorie foods and does not exercise, the calories that are not burned become fat that accumulates in the body.

FatIndependently of eating habits , there are other causes why a person can develop obesity, and this makes treatment much more difficult. In some cases, it occurs due to issues related to hormones, but it can also occur due to emotional problems. Facing being overweight is something especially difficult, especially at school age, because many people find this physical characteristic funny, worthy of jokes, something that contributes negatively to overcoming the problem.

Although many people gain weight considerably for reasons unrelated to their diet, popular belief always suggests that the problem is "eating too much." If we just stopped to think for a second and did an equation to calculate how much someone whose body is three times the mass of ours should eat, we would realize that this situation would not be realistic. In fact, there are numerous cases of individuals who lose dozens of kilos after solving an emotional problem that was distressing them, without altering their eating habits at all.

Fat people, due to their physical characteristics, suffer a high risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases , hypertension , diabetes and other disorders. That is why it is important to maintain a weight according to your height.

Fat, on the other hand, is something very big or that exceeds the usual dimensions of its class: "I need help: I've gotten into a big mess," "My sister is dealing with a very big problem," "Last year I won a jackpot in the lottery .