Definition of



Gymnastics can be developed as a sports competition.

From the Latin gymnasia , gymnastics is the discipline that seeks to develop, strengthen and give flexibility to the body through physical exercise routines. It can be carried out as a sport ( competitively ) or recreationally.

Gymnastics as a competitive sport

The Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) is the organization in charge of regulating the sporting practice of gymnastics. This association recognizes six disciplines: general, artistic, aerobic, acrobatic, rhythmic and trampoline.

General gymnastics is performed in groups of six people and consists of the synchronized execution of choreographies. Artistic gymnastics involves body expression following music , while aerobic gymnastics involves higher intensity movements.

Acrobatic gymnastics is a group discipline that is performed with apparatus; Rhythmic gymnastics only has a female modality and also requires the use of elements (such as a ball or hoop). Finally, trampoline gymnastics , as its name indicates, is carried out with a platform on which to jump.


He who does physical activity is doing gymnastics.

Physical activity

Beyond this sporting facet, any physical activity carried out by a person is known as gymnastics. Going for a jog, walking or doing sit-ups can be considered, generally speaking, as “doing gymnastics” . Physical exercise is recommended to improve the quality of life, since it contributes to health and a feeling of well-being, in addition to helping the person's physical appearance.

It can be said that gymnastics is the practice or exercise that trains in any type of activity. For example: “I have five children, I have already done a lot of gymnastics when it comes to preparing food.”

Gymnastics in school performance

This concept is not always linked to the exercise of visible muscles, but also those that cannot be seen, such as the brain.

During the first stage of our lives we are extremely sensitive and perceptive beings, so any experience that affects us could severely condition our learning ; For this reason and to avoid ending problems so present in the childhood of these extremely convulsive modern societies with so little capacity for wonder and true dedication to something, a method has been developed to facilitate concentration.

It is known as brain gymnastics and consists of a technique, created in 1969 under the title of "Brain Gym", based on a series of exercises whose purpose is to clear the mind of all distractions in order to help the individual concentrate on something. punctual. In this way, disorders such as hyperactivity and dyslexia and behavioral problems derived from these or other difficulties could be treated.

It is a method in which neural connections are generated that motivate balance and considerably improve the ability to understand and learn in all fields.

Exercising the brain

As expressed by Dr. Susana Buscaglia, an eminence in this study, an attempt is made to detect and balance those tensions that may have accumulated in a brain throughout existence and that significantly influence learning, and also encourages creativity and self-esteem .

To carry out these exercises it is necessary to have a routine , it is not necessary to have a time and place (although this could help because it would mean that you are taking them really seriously) and be open and willing to achieve the objectives of each practice . As the days go by, greater concentration will be achieved, which can greatly facilitate reading comprehension , which is so poorly developed in children who are tormented or hyper-energetic.

To obtain good results, extensive dedication is not necessary; with about five minutes a day consistently, clear results can begin to be seen.