Definition of



Geology studies the interior and exterior shape of the terrestrial globe.

The concept of geology comes from two Greek words: geo ( "earth" ) and logos ( "study" ). It is the science that analyzes the interior and exterior shape of the terrestrial globe . In this way, geology is responsible for the study of the materials that make up the globe and its formation mechanism. It also focuses on the alterations that these materials have experienced since their origin and the current state of their placement.

Throughout History we encounter countless figures who have become highly relevant geologists for their discoveries and contributions to this discipline that concerns us. This would be the case, for example, of the German Georgius Agricola , who is known to be considered the father of modern mineralogy.

In the same way, we should not lose sight of the Swiss Horace-Bénédict de Saussure , the founder of mountaineering, or the British Adam Sedgwick who has been defined as one of the fathers of modern geology.

Various branches of geology

Within the geological sciences, it is possible to distinguish different disciplines . Structural geology is that which is responsible for the study of the structures of the Earth's crust . In this way, it analyzes the relationship between the various rocks that make it up.

Caving is another of the most significant disciplines that exist within the branch in question. In this case, it is responsible for carrying out the study of what are the natural cavities that exist in the subsoil. That is, it is responsible for analyzing the different caves in depth.

In the same way, we also find gemology which, as its name indicates, has the clear objective of proceeding to study and analyze gems in depth.

And all this without forgetting planetary geology either. This is a discipline that has as its object of study what all the celestial bodies are. That is, it analyzes both comets and planets , meteorites and asteroids.

Historical geology , for its part, studies the transformations of the Earth , from its origin to the present. To facilitate analysis, geologists have made chronological divisions such as eras, periods and ages, among others.

geological sciences

Vulnalogy integrates geological sciences.

Paleontology and other disciplines

In this sense, we should also talk about what is known as Paleontology. It is a discipline within Geology that, starting from the discovery and analysis of fossils, proceeds to study and interpret the past of our planet.

Economic geology is responsible for the study of rocks in search of mineral wealth that can be exploited by man . When geology finds the deposits, mining exploitation begins.

Earthquakes and the propagation of seismic waves are studied by seismology . The rock breaking process, responsible for the release of seismic waves, is one of its main points of interest.

Volcanoes , magma and lava, on the other hand, belong to the field of volcanology . This discipline observes volcanic eruptions and tries to predict them.

Finally, it should be noted that astrogeology or exogeology is responsible for applying geological techniques and knowledge to celestial bodies such as planets, comets and asteroids.