Definition of


To know the meaning of the term gelatin, we must first discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that there are different theories in this regard, highlighting two in particular:

-There is the theory that indicates that it derives from Latin, specifically from the sum of two lexical components of that language: the word "gelatus", which can be translated as "ice cream", and the suffix "-ina", which is used to name to substances.

-Another theory establishes that its etymological origin is in the Romance language called Dalmatian, specifically in the term "galatina", which was used in Croatia in the 19th century to refer to the substantial gelatinous substance used to preserve fish.

Gelatin is a substance obtained when the collagen present in cartilage , bones and connective tissue is dissolved in water and subjected to a cooking process. In this way a gel is produced that, in its pure state, is tasteless, odorless and colorless.

GelatinCollagen is a protein , present in all animals, that makes up fibers. If this protein is dissolved in water, boiled and then allowed to cool, gelatin is generated.

It can be said that gelatin is thermoreversible : at room temperature , it coagulates and sets, but if it is heated above 27º C , it becomes a fluid. Once in a watery state, it can be cooled again to solidify again.

Gelatin, in short, is made up of collagen, water and mineral salts. Its most common use is in the preparation of the dessert known, precisely, as dessert gelatin .

In this case, flavorings and flavorings are added to make the product tasty. In this way, in addition to the nutritional properties of gelatin, flavors and aromas that are tempting for humans are added. It is possible to find strawberry jelly , pineapple or pineapple jelly , peach or peach jelly, melon jelly and many others, which are sold in sachets or boxes. To prepare them, you just have to dissolve the powder in water, then boil the solution and finally cool it so that it solidifies.

Flavorless gelatin , on the other hand, is used to prepare various gastronomic preparations. Many cakes and tarts contain unflavored gelatin to gain consistency.

Many people who want to lose weight decide to include gelatin in their diets because it is considered to bring with it an important series of benefits, among which the following stand out:

-It has a low content of both fats and sugars.

-In the same way, it should be noted that it is considered a good food to increase fat burning.

-No less relevant is to highlight that it favors digestion.

In the same way, it must be established that the consumption of gelatin brings with it other advantages such as significantly improving the health of the skin, nails and hair, helping to enhance the immune system and even It is great for strengthening joints and tendons.