Definition of


The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term shed is to discover its etymological origin. Specifically, we can emphasize that it derives from Nahuatl and more precisely from the word "calpulli", which can be translated as "school" or as "communal house."

A shed, therefore, is a large one-story construction .

Starting from what has been established, we can indicate that among the synonyms of shed there are words such as warehouse, ship, cellar, warehouse , granary, hut or pantry, for example.

ShedThe most common use of the concept refers to a place that is intended for the storage of machines or merchandise . Generally, sheds are built in a rustic way and have a single door.

A shed can be a shed , a warehouse or a barn . Its design is usually very simple, since the aim is not to satisfy aesthetic criteria, but rather to achieve functionality. Sheds can be used for multiple purposes, from the accumulation of tools to animal husbandry, through the development of various industrial or work activities.

A family can store various objects in their home shed that they do not use frequently: an old piece of furniture, an old television, a tool box, the toys of children who have grown up, etc. A rural worker, meanwhile, can leave the items he uses in his daily work in a warehouse, storing them there at the end of each day.

Large warehouses can also be used to host events (concerts, plays) or organize fairs or exhibitions . In these cases, it is important that those responsible take care of the security conditions so that attendees are not at risk. If an emergency occurs, for example, the exit of the public must be guaranteed quickly.

In addition to everything stated above, we have to emphasize another series of interesting data about the shed, such as the following:

-Basically it is established that, taking into account the materials used in their construction, there are four main types of sheds: metal or tubest, concrete, reticulated and wooden.

-When determining the dimensions of a shed to be able to erect it, aspects such as length, width, separation between frames, slope and even what is known as useful height are taken into account. However, of course, it is also essential to pay attention to what it is going to be used for.

-Among the best-known warehouses in history we can highlight the Moctecuma Palace, since that was how Fernández de Oviedo defined it back in the 16th century, specifically in the year 1535.

-Latin America is where this word is used the most, while in Spain its synonyms are used.