Definition of


FruitionThe Latin word fruitio came to Spanish as fruition . The term refers to pleasure or delight .

That which is done with enjoyment, therefore, is done with delight or enjoyment . For example : “The girl devoured the chocolate with relish” , “I don't understand people who read magazines devoted to showbiz scandals with relish” , “The anniversary of independence will be celebrated with relish throughout the national territory” .

The idea of ​​fruition can be used in different ways. Sometimes it is linked to physical satisfaction , coming from the senses . Whoever drinks a banana smoothie with enjoyment, to mention one case, enjoys the sensations generated by that action and the ingestion of that liquid.

In other cases, fruition is a joy or complacency that is generated from the fulfillment of an objective or a goal achieved . Even fruition can be associated with passion or ardor . That is why it can be said that an environmental party enthusiastically promoted a bill to promote recycling in a city.

The attribution of fruition to an act, on the other hand, can constitute a criticism or a complaint . If a journalist, when presenting a news story, indicates that a young man showed delight in hitting another boy in the middle of an altercation in a soccer stadium, he will be emphasizing that the aggressor seemed to rejoice in the attack he perpetrated.

In this case we see that the young man felt pleasure derived from his actions, which is why we understand that the same sensation can be reached through two very different paths. We cannot compare this act of violence with a project that aims to promote recycling; However, both subjects reach fruition when they approach their objectives.

As mentioned in a previous paragraph, one of the synonyms of this term is enjoyment , which is defined as "the action and effect of enjoying." However, there is also joy , which can function as a synonym but has a somewhat different and much broader meaning, despite its similarity from the point of writing. The first meaning that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy offers us speaks of "the pleasure in possessing, remembering or waiting for things or goods that we desire."

FruitionJoy can also be understood as "the joy of our spirit" or "the fleeting flame that rises from dry and small wood when it is lit." All of this leads us to think about the connection we establish between pleasure and fire , very common even in everyday speech to talk about any activity that we are passionate about, from an artistic vocation to sexual relations.

Based on the definition of joy , and considering it a synonym for fruition as indicated by several popular dictionaries, we can infer that fruition is not very long-lasting, but rather spontaneous and short -lived . It is a pleasure that appears after achieving a well-defined goal, which is very intense but is maintained until the action ends.

“Doña Tomasa, with relish, goes and rents her mansion,” finally, is the title of a comic strip developed by the Spanish cartoonist Escobar . It was published between 1959 and 1963 in the magazine El DDT .

The comic was presented as a parody of real-rental , the illegal act that a tenant performs when he rents out a property that he himself is renting. In Doña Tomasa's series, this phenomenon took place in an exaggerated way , to the point that several "hierarchical" cases of sub-tenancy could occur in the same house.