Definition of


Two raspberries on the tree

The raspberry is the fruit of the shrub called raspberry .

The fruit of Rubus idaeus , a shrub known as raspberry , is called raspberry. The term raspberry comes from the French word framboise .


The raspberry is a plant belonging to the Rubus genus of the Rosaceae family. It is a perennial shrub that produces thorny stems called canes, which can grow up to several meters in height and are characterized by their palmately compound leaves with toothed edges.

The cultivation of raspberries is carried out in many parts of the world. These shrubs, which stand out for their resistance, are an important source of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C. They require well-drained soil and direct sunlight to grow. Proper pruning is important to keep the plant healthy and productive.

General characteristics

The raspberry is characterized by its aroma and its sweet and slightly acidic flavor. It is small, round and generally red, although there are also yellow and purple varieties.

It is an etherium (a floral receptacle transformed into a fruit) that can be classified as a polydrupe since various carpels develop multiple drupes. It seems to be composed of numerous fragments, which are these drupes. It is part of the so-called fruits of the forest .

Forest fruits

Forest fruits are a category that includes berries and small fruits that usually grow in wild areas or in low bushes. They are known to be delicious and rich in nutrients. Let's look at some of them below, not including raspberry:

  • Blackberries : They are dark, often black or purple, although there are also red and yellow varieties. They have a sweet and sour taste and are used in a variety of recipes, from jams to cakes;
  • Blueberries : They are small and dark blue. They are rich in antioxidants and are used in baked goods, smoothies, yogurts, and as a healthy snack;
  • Currants : They are small, round fruits that can be red, black or white. They have a tart flavor and are often used to make jams and jellies;
  • Blackberries : They are similar to blackberries but darker in color. They are known for their sweet flavor and their use in the preparation of cakes and desserts.

Types of raspberries

There are several types of raspberries, each with its own characteristics of flavor, color and ripeness. The most common ones are divided into four main categories: red, black, yellow and purple .

Let's start with red raspberries ( Rubus idaeus ):

  • Heritage : They are known for their classic sweet flavor and are used in a variety of recipes ;
  • Boyne : They are cold resistant, large and juicy.

Black Raspberries (Rubus occidentalis):

  • Black Jewel – They are shiny and have a sweet, mild flavor. They are known for their versatility in the kitchen;
  • Munger : They stand out for their sweet flavor and ease of care.

Yellow Raspberries (Rubus idaeus):

  • Anne : They have a mild, sweet flavor. They are known for their resistance and ease of cultivation;
  • Golden Queen : They are appreciated for their mild flavor and bright color.

Purple Raspberries (Rubus occidentalis):

  • Jewel : They are relatively small and have a sour taste. They are used in the manufacture of products such as jams and cakes;
  • Royalty : They are known for their strong flavor and deep color.
Raspberries and blackberries

The raspberry belongs to the group of forest fruits .

As an ingredient

Jams , liqueurs , preserves and juices are often made with raspberries. Most of its production is frozen and used for the production of industrial foods.

It should be noted that, beyond its pleasant flavor, raspberries are attributed several beneficial properties for the body. Due to its level of vitamin C , magnesium , potassium and beta-carotene , raspberries help protect visual health, help iron absorption, minimize fluid retention, are antioxidants and improve circulation.