Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term photogenic, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Greek, exactly the result of the sum of the following lexical components of said language:

-The noun "phos, photos", which can be translated as "light".

-The verb «geno», which is synonymous with «generate».

-The suffix «-ico», which is used to indicate «relative to».

This adjective is used to describe someone or something that looks good in photographs .

PhotogenicFor example: "My dog ​​is very photogenic, that's why I'm photographing him all the time with my camera" , "Nowadays, it's not enough for a dish to be tasty: it must also be photogenic since diners enjoy sharing their lunches and their dinners on social media» , «It is such a photogenic city that I returned from my trip with more than five hundred images on my phone» .

Favored, graceful or beautiful are some of the words that work as synonyms for photogenic. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find terms such as ugly.

For someone or something to be defined as photogenic, it must have certain aesthetic characteristics considered at a social level as attractive , pleasant or striking . The photogenic, due to its qualities , deserves to be portrayed in a photo.

A photogenic individual , in this framework, is a beautiful or expressive subject. It can also be referred to as the photogenic face or the photogenic face , when the person's features look good in photos.

It is true that there are people who are photogenic by nature and who always look good in any photograph taken of them. However, those who are not can also take certain measures to appear in any snapshot with a more flattering image. We are referring to following advice like these:

-It is important that they know what their "good" profile is, that is, the one that makes them most attractive so that from that moment on they always show that one.

-They should avoid plans that do not favor them. Thus, for example, if they have a double chin they should never take a photograph from below or while lying down because that will mark them even more.

-In the photographs they should always try to appear as natural as possible, which means that they should never force a posture or even a gesture since that will not favor them at all.

A photogenic place , meanwhile, captivates with its natural beauty, its architecture , etc. A beach, a mountain, a palace or a historic building are some places that are generally mentioned as photogenic.

Currently, social networks help to discover which personalities or cities are photogenic through the "Likes" and interactions their images obtain. On the other hand, many Instagram , Facebook and Twitter users seek to be photogenic by taking care of their appearance and exacerbating certain physical and clothing features in the photos they share.