Definition of



Photophobia is a pathological rejection of light sources.

Photophobia is a person's irrational fear of light . Three words from Greek are those that give meaning and establish the etymological origin of the concept. On the one hand there is the word photos which means light; on the other hand, the term phobos , which translates as irrational fear; and finally the suffix -ia which is synonymous with quality.

Photophobia is diagnosed when a pathological level of rejection of light sources is detected. This is an intolerance outside normal standards that is frequently observed in people who suffer from albinism . Photophobia can also be attributed to diseases associated with the eyeball or nervous system.

About photophobia

This disorder is a significant drawback that should not be minimized in cases of acute glaucoma , migraine-type headache , keratitis , uveitis , cluster headache or in traumatic corneal abrasions and erosions.

There are some people who are more likely to suffer from this rejection of light and these include those who have light colored eyes, those who suffer from cataracts, those who have poor pigmentation or also those who frequently suffer from headaches. head or migraines.

Possible causes

Photophobia can occur as a consequence of several medical conditions, such as meningitis , subarachnoid hemorrhage , encephalitis , conjunctivitis , aphakia , iritis , cystinosis , and chikungunya , among others.

The use of certain drugs can also trigger light sensitivity. In this framework, it must be taken into account that amphetamines , cocaine , cyclopentolate , scopolamine , trifluridine , phenylephrine , vidarabine and atropine can cause photophobia.

On the other hand, there are ocular solutions for regular use that can cause photophobia. In these cases, it is recommended to discontinue the application so that the reaction disappears, since the problem is caused by the compounds present in certain disinfectant substances that allow the conservation of soft contact lenses .


The effects of photophobia can be minimized by wearing sunglasses.

Prevention and treatment of photophobia

It should be noted that, in general, photophobia is not a major disorder. It can be softened by wearing dark glasses or avoiding direct exposure to light.

In any case, specialists say that it is always advisable to determine the cause of the sensitivity , since appropriate treatment can cure it. If the pain is acute even in low light conditions, medical attention should be sought urgently .

There are several recommendations that should be followed when preventing or treating the aforementioned photophobia. In this sense, one of the fundamental rules is to carry out a considerable reduction in sun exposure.

Along with this, it is also frequently advised to use dark glasses with protection against UVA rays when going outside to eliminate the feeling of discomfort that may occur. In this sense, when being on the street, the use of wide-brimmed hats should also be carried out.

Avoiding the consumption of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as well as darkening the room when the discomfort is very great are other of the most important tips that anyone suffering from photophobia should follow.