Definition of

Civic and ethical training


Civic and ethical training contributes to social harmony.

Formation is a notion that comes from the Latin word formatio . The term refers to the process and result of training or training: among other meanings, this verb can refer to training or preparing an individual or a group of people on a professional and intellectual level.

Civic , meanwhile, is linked to civility (behavior that respects the rules of social coexistence) and citizenship (a notion that can also be associated with appropriate behavior within the framework of a community). Ethics , on the other hand, is made up of moral standards.

What is civic and ethical training

In a broad sense, civic and ethical training is related to that instruction that aims to instill values ​​and encourage actions that do not threaten social harmony . These teachings have as their mission the generation of good citizens ; that is, active and informed subjects who behave responsibly with the rest of society .

If we focus on civic training, it seeks to ensure that people know the norms and rights so that they can have a constructive and respectful participation in their community. Regarding ethical training, it spreads values ​​such as solidarity, freedom, justice and equity.


Civic and ethical training contributes to the formation of good citizens.

a subject

In Mexico , Civic and Ethics Training is a subject of Basic Education . It is, therefore, part of the primary school curriculum. The idea is that students understand the functioning of a democratic regime, analyzing the form of government and the associated attitudes and behaviors.

By knowing the structure of the Mexican State and the rules that support the development of its institutions, young people learn to act within the legal framework, making use of their freedom and respecting the freedom of others. At the same time, they are expected to acquire the appropriate tools to commit to political life, participating in decision-making from the appropriate place depending on the case.

Civic and ethical training in other countries

Beyond the name given to the subject or subject, civic and ethical training is present in all educational systems, in one form or another. Schools , after all, have the objective of ensuring that children and young people become citizens capable of integrating into society, capable of developing their potential in various areas.

Citizenship Education , Civic Education or Citizenship Training , for example, are disciplines or areas of study that address social relationships and good social coexistence .

Civic and ethical training, in short, is reflected in daily actions. From caring for the environment to solidarity work, through behavior when driving a vehicle and respect for diversity, multiple issues are crossed by these values. This makes it a fundamental factor for maintaining peace and harmony within a community.