Definition of


Woman sitting in front of a campfire

Fogón can be used as a synonym for "campfire."

A stove is the appropriate space in the kitchen that allows you to light a fire for cooking . This term comes from the Latin word focus , which can be translated as "bonfire" or "home" .

The term has other meanings depending on the region, generally linked to fire . A hearth can be a bonfire that is lit with firewood arranged on the ground; a place where, in order to cook some food, a fire is lit; or a kitchen that is built with mud or cement on top of a table to cook with firewood.

in firearms

In a firearm , on the other hand, the chamber is the ear : a hole found in the chamber. The chamber is a crucial part of firearms. It provides the space necessary to house the cartridge, which contains the propellant charge, the projectile and, in some cases, the girdle or retaining ring.

The size and shape of the chamber depend on the type of firearm and the specific caliber of cartridge used. Firearm manufacturers design chambers to precise specifications to ensure safe and efficient operation of the weapon .

Friends meeting

A bonfire is a gathering of friends . This use of the term occurs in some South American countries such as Argentina and Uruguay . Although the concept was originally associated with the gathering around a fire , it later began to be used more widely.

A bonfire, in this framework, can consist of a group of friends gathered near a grill where barbecue is prepared, for example. Or at a social event where several people get together to talk and share a pleasant moment.

The usual thing is that the bonfires take place outdoors . Many times one of the participants brings a guitar and invites the attendees to sing, thus enlivening the day with music. Very popular songs are usually sung, which everyone knows.

This is a very healthy way to take advantage of natural spaces and enrich social ties at the same time. Meeting friends in a forest, or even in a park, is ideal to get away from the pressures and stress of the city for a few hours, while connecting with our purest side, with that which makes us living beings.

Steam engine boiler

In steam engines , the place in the boiler where the fuel is burned to generate heat and produce steam is called the hearth. Steam engines, which were widely used during the Industrial Revolution, used the principle of combustion to heat water and generate high-pressure steam, which was used to power engines and perform different jobs.

The stove was generally located at the base of the machine and was composed of a boiler or boiler where the water was heated, and a burner or oven where the fuel was burned. The type of fuel used could vary depending on the machine and circumstances, but some of the most common were coal, firewood, and oil .

steam train

In steam engines, the hearth is where the fuel is burned.

The combustion process in the stove generated heat that was transferred to the water in the boiler, causing it to heat up and become high-pressure steam , which was then directed towards the cylinders of the machine, where it exerted force on a piston, generating movement and mechanical energy.

As technology advanced, these machines were replaced by more efficient and less steam-dependent engines, such as internal combustion engines. However, steam engines and their stoves played a fundamental role in the transformation of industry and transportation during the 19th century.