Definition of



Flirting allows you to convey a sexual or romantic interest.

Flirting is a love game or a form of interpersonal relationship that expresses a romantic or sexual interest , although without the intention of formalizing or establishing a commitment . The term is used synonymously with flirting .

For example: "I'm going to end the flirting since María is starting to ask me for things that I'm not willing to give her," "The flirting that we started at work led to a marriage that has lasted for more than a decade and three beautiful children," "I am not a woman who likes flirting: I prefer solid relationships with commitment."

Features of flirting

Flirting can be understood as an exercise in seduction , where one person sends subtle messages to another so that they notice romantic interest. From a conversation to brief physical contact, through a type of clothing or a certain body language , flirting can include different manifestations.

The key to flirting is to convey interest, but without transgressing social norms linked to the distance maintained by two people who are not a romantic partner. In other words, a person who flirts with another person is hinting at his willingness to maintain a closer relationship with them, but he is not doing so directly or openly.

The consequences of flirting can be very varied. If the other person responds and also shows interest, it can lead to a casual relationship or even, over time, a formal relationship . If the person does not express interest, the flirt can continue insisting for an indefinite period of time or abandon the strategy.

Although this seduction mechanism is usually associated with youth, since traditions expect that at a certain age all people will marry, it is an "art" that takes years to polish and master, and that many use throughout their lives. your life to avoid reaching deep and lasting relationships.


Flirting is a game of seduction.

Some considerations

Flirting says a lot about who carries it out and who receives it. Sometimes only one of two people makes advances to the other, and does not get any type of favorable response, which may indicate that there is no interest on the part of the other in approaching them in that way, or that they are afraid to do so. , whether due to insecurity or not having finished overcoming a negative experience , among infinite other possible reasons.

When flirting occurs mutually, then various cases can also take place, since whoever flirts with another person does not necessarily want to have an intimate relationship with them, but often this resource is used as a weapon to manipulate and make others suffer . others, to make them pay for their own traumas (unfairly), or for having unfairly harmed a friend or relative.

In the best of cases, when flirting has clear and genuine objectives on both sides, then it is expected that at some point one of the people will give in and decide to express their feelings directly, to begin the relationship they hope for, although This does not indicate that it is compatible with the wishes of the other.

Flirting usually occurs in environments such as an office, or between two people who see each other regularly, since it is a relatively slow process , during which tension grows between both until one of the two cannot or does not want to continue. and take the next step.

It is worth mentioning that this concept is preferably used to talk about adult individuals, since it implies the presence of a sexual interest, a physical attraction that is not typical of children or that is not socially acceptable.