Definition of



A fixture allows something to be secured or given stability.

Fixation is the action and effect of fixing or being fixed (sticking, securing a body in another, sticking, limiting, making something stable). The term can be used to name the precise establishment or the certain determination of something.

In this sense, pricing refers to the price that a seller sets for a product offered on the market . The game of supply and demand is the mechanism that regulates prices: if there is a lot of demand, prices rise until they reach a level that is too high and demand begins to fall; when the price is low again, demand begins to grow again. However, each producer and/or seller has the possibility of setting the price that they consider appropriate, and then modifying it.

Price fixing can also be linked to a unilateral decision by the State or a monopoly , in cases where there is no competition. For example: in a city where only one company provides telephone service, this company has complete freedom when designing its rates, since consumers do not have the possibility of choosing another provider.

Fixation in psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis also uses the notion of fixation. In this case, the term refers to a strong bond between the libido and certain people, imagos (image, from Latin) or objects, or to their psychic representation. According to Sigmund Freud , fixation causes an intimate relationship of the libido with beings or imagos, the reproduction of a particular form of satisfaction, or the permanence of an organization according to its own structural features in one of the phases of its evolution.

There are two basic possibilities in cases of fixation: that it manifests itself externally, that it is perceptible; or that it becomes an internal reality, that it leads to a state of regression. Generally, we speak of fixation to give a name to a genetic conception that brings about an ordered rise on the part of the libido (it becomes fixed to a phase).

Sigmund Freud

The idea of ​​fixation is used in psychoanalysis.

The neurosis

Freud's theory is outside the field of genetics, as it speaks of those experiences, fantasies or images that cling unaltered to the unconscious and remain linked to the drive . It is a universal phenomenon , very important in cases of neurosis , which usually chooses one of the first phases of our life. One of the most common models of affective fixation is mourning.

Patients with traumatic neurosis clearly show signs of a fixation on the traumatic scene (the accident), which they often repeat regularly in their dreams. It should also be noted that a fixation does not necessarily lead to neurosis ; and the opposite is not true either.

The meaning of the symptom is hidden in a series of processes that those who suffer from a fixation carry out unconsciously; for this symptom to manifest itself, it is necessary, in turn, that the meaning is not conscious.

Breuer and fixation

The prominent Austrian physiologist Josef Breuer , born in 1842 and responsible for a series of important discoveries in the field of neurophysiology , developed a technique to get his patients to become aware of the processes in which the meaning of the symptom was found. The results of his discovery were positive, since the symptoms stopped manifesting themselves.

This technique is still considered the basis of psychoanalysis today. It is worth mentioning that the effects only occur when unconscious processes are brought into consciousness. There is an alternative method, which consists of filling any gaps in the patient's memory, so that there are no incomplete memories.

Other uses of the term fixation

For chemistry , on the other hand, fixation is the state of rest of the materials after being agitated and moved.

“Fijación oral” is the name of an album by Colombian singer Shakira that was released in 2005 .