Definition of


FaithfulThe adjective faithful , which comes from the Latin word fidēlis , describes someone who does not betray the trust they have been given . The faithful individual, therefore, always maintains loyalty .

The concept is usually used with respect to the fidelity that the members of a romantic couple owe each other. For example: “I have been married for forty years and I have always been faithful to my partner , ” “I swear I try to be faithful, but it is very difficult for me and I usually make mistakes,” “I discovered that Ricardo is not faithful to his boyfriend: "I don't know if I should tell him."

Fidelity in relationships is something that most people consider absolutely unquestionable, at least while talking about the subject with people they do not trust , since it is also known that a large percentage of them are unfaithful. This is very difficult to understand, given that no one forces us to have only one partner, but rather we accept it by mutual agreement; So why do we then break our promise behind the back of someone we supposedly love and respect?

Being faithful to your partner should be very easy, extremely easy: it is simply about fulfilling what we have promised to our other half. It's that simple. If we start dating someone and we both make it clear from day one that there is no place for third parties in our relationship, then there shouldn't be any. But as simple as it may seem in theory, every day, around the world, millions of individuals fall into temptation and destroy a bond that was probably good for them.

Machismo tries to make us believe that in heterosexual couples men have a greater tendency to infidelity than women, but in reality this lack of respect can be committed by anyone, of any sex and sexuality, and is equally regrettable in any case. Despite what many say to justify their actions, being faithful is not being stupid; On the contrary, it is being fair, grateful to have someone who loves us and wants to be with us.

FaithfulIn the field of religion , a believer is known as a faithful person. The faithful have faith and respect the principles and norms of the religious leaders: “Thousands of faithful gathered in the mosque,” ​​“A group of faithful committed to restoring the church after the damage caused by the earthquake,” “The Pope “He called on the faithful to be in solidarity with the poorest.”

Faithful, on the other hand, is something exact , which reproduces the real or the truth precisely. A true copy , in this sense, is a reproduction of a document that is certified by an official, who is responsible for attesting to its conformity with the original. This means that the true copy presents the same content as the documentation observed by the official.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), faithful was also the name of a public employee who was in charge of controlling measurements and weights and of the person responsible for collecting tithes.

If we look for the term faithful in the dictionary of synonyms, we find three well-differentiated groups: on the one hand, we have noble, honest, loyal, sincere and honest , with their respective antonyms disloyal and unfaithful ; secondly they are sure, true, true and exact , as opposed to false and inaccurate ; believer, parishioner, adept, follower and devotee . As can be seen, it is a very broad word, whose meaning depends largely on the context although it always has a background nuance: it speaks of something or someone that remains close to another thing, person or value .