Definition of



What is mentioned as reliable is what is reliable or authentic.

We can establish the etymological origin of the term trustworthy that it is found in Latin, since it is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language:

-The noun “fides”, which can be translated as “trust” and “faith”.

-The adjective “dignus”, which is synonymous with “deserving” and “worthy”.

What is trustworthy, therefore, is that which is worthy of faith .

For example: “The population should not worry since our electoral system is reliable” , “The treasury is working on the development of a reliable website that allows taxpayers to consult their tax situation” , “The proposal seemed reliable, but ended being a scam.”

Concept of trustworthiness

Something trustworthy, in short, deserves credit or trust thanks to its characteristics or properties.

For all the above, we can establish that among the synonyms of trustworthy are words such as authentic, truthful, veridical, reliable or trustworthy, among others. As for what its antonyms are, there are terms such as false or doubtful, for example.

A photograph and an audiovisual documentary, in this framework, tend to constitute reliable reflections of reality . Beyond always including a subjective view, these materials try to present what is real as it is.


Reliable is reliable.

Some examples

In the field of journalism, reliable information is reliable and, therefore, can be published or used as a pillar to advance the development of a story. In this case, the quality is often given by the reliability of the source (that is, the person who provided the data in question).

A reliable study , for its part, presents irrefutable or unequivocal results. If an institution with several decades of history conducts research with the participation of a prominent group of professionals and experts, it is likely that this work will be considered reliable. On the other hand, if an entity whose financing is uncertain and those responsible are unknown releases a report with very striking conclusions because they are improbable, few would dare to affirm that it is a reliable work.

Reliable information on the Internet

Another example is that, in the same way, it is indicated that when using the Internet to obtain some type of medical information about a disease or illness, it is important to resort to what are reliable sources and resources that are also reliable. And not just any published news is worth it, you have to go to organizations, institutions or celebrities specialized in that health sector. Only in this way will it be guaranteed that the data obtained is true.

Precisely for this reason it is established that when it comes to determining whether an Internet source is reliable or not, it must be analyzed based on several criteria. Thus, you must take into account where it was found, the authority it has, the domain that your website has as well as the validity it has, the functionality it has and, of course, what is both its precision and the objectivity by which it is characterized.