Definition of



The image of a deceased person that appears in the world of the living is referred to as a ghost.

Ghost is a term with a complex definition since it can refer to different entities. The concept comes from the Latin phantasma , although with more remote origins in the Greek language ,

The most frequent use is associated with the image of a dead person who, according to many based on their own experiences, can appear to the living. For example: "My son is very scared because he says he saw a ghost" , "This castle became famous when many witnesses claimed to have seen the ghost of an old woman inside it" , "I don't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural." » .

A medium is a person who can contact beings who have died. It is a skill that, say those who claim to possess it, we could all develop if we never stopped believing in fantasy, if we did not allow the barriers of adulthood to blind us and block our perception of the afterlife. Talking to a ghost may seem impossible or absurd to many, but it is the most normal thing for a medium, both in a conscious state and through dreams.

The ghost as a chimerical vision

Ghosts can also be images of objects that remain imprinted in fantasy or chimerical visions that arise in dreams or imagination.

"His silhouette was like a ghost that appeared next to my bed and soon left" y «I still think I perceive the ghost of Alice haunting the room»son frases que muestran esta acepción.


Ghosts appear frequently in books and movies.

A graphic defect

A graphic defect that can be seen on certain TFT ( thin film transistor ) screens is known as ghosting if their response time is too long, that is, if it takes too long to get a pixel past the active state (when displayed in black) to inactive (appears white). The shorter said transition time is, the fewer shades of gray will be noticed by users.

The ghosting effect of screens is also called trail , as it becomes especially evident in objects that move at high speed and that seem to leave a trace of their trajectory, given the slowness with which the device updates the image at its side. around. Although there are many factors that determine the quality of a monitor, a response time greater than 2 milliseconds is not recommended for video playback or for the use of video games in which speed is a fundamental element, such as races and movies. of action.

It is worth mentioning that in CRT ( cathode ray tube ) monitors the ghosting effect does not occur, despite the fact that their response time is longer than that of a TFT in which it is noticeable, and the reason is that the former update the image completes each frame, just as plasma screens do.

Outside of the demands of the market and the demands of experts, the ghost effect can represent a problem for certain people, since it usually causes dizziness and other physical disorders. There is a technology called response time compensation ( RTC ) that reduces this graphic error in many devices and eliminates it in others.

Other uses of the notion of ghost

The threat of imminent risk or something that is non-existent or false are other ideas associated with ghosts: "The ghost of cholera reappears in several Latin American countries" , "Justice investigates a phantom commercial operation that would have allowed the accused to launder thousands of dollars" , "The minister diverted funds to a ghost company to keep the money without raising suspicions" .

The population or uninhabited places , finally, can also be classified as ghosts: "Since the train stopped passing, we have become a ghost town " , "It is a ghost club that has not organized an event for two decades" .