Definition of



The extrasensory is not perceived through the senses.

The adjective extrasensory is used to refer to that which is perceived without the senses interceding . The extrasensory, therefore, is not detected by the sensory organs.

As can be seen in this first approach to the concept, understanding the idea of ​​extrasensory requires being clear about what perception is and what the senses are and how they work.

The extrasensory, perception and the senses

The internal sensation that arises from an impression generated in the senses is called perception . To perceive, in this way, is to register sensations or impressions through the senses .

As for the senses , these are the capacities given by certain organs that make the perception of stimuli possible . The human being has five senses: touch , smell , taste , hearing and sight , in which the eyes, ears, skin and other organs classified as sensory intervene.

The sensory, therefore, is perceived through the senses: a sound , a texture, an image, etc. When the senses do not participate in perception, however, we speak of an extrasensory experience.

The view of science

It can be indicated that extrasensory perception is the ability to know an external event without using the sensory organs . According to science , at least by virtue of current knowledge, this knowledge is not possible.

The extrasensory, then, belongs to the realm of pseudosciences . Today's scientific consensus maintains that it has never been demonstrated, through rigorous and properly controlled experiments , that extrasensory perception can occur.

Beyond this statement, science has always been interested in extrasensory experiences. In fact, an American botanist named JB Rhine (1895-1980) was the creator of parapsychology .


Clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception.

Types of extrasensory perception

Taking into account what has been expressed about the analysis that science carries out on the extrasensory, it is important to consider that non-scientific statements on these issues enter the field of speculation and assumptions .

In this framework, we can name different acts to which an extrasensory component is attributed. Telepathy is one of them: this is the name given to communication between two people that takes place without the use of the senses and without the participation of physical agents that they know.

Telekinesis (the ability to move objects without touching them, appealing only to the mind), precognition (knowledge of future events), clairaudience (listening to sounds that are not within earshot) and clairvoyance (visualization of elements that are located outside the visual field) are other examples of extrasensory perception.

As, on a general level, it is believed that human beings do not have the natural ability to perceive through extrasensory mechanisms, those who claim to have this power usually attribute it to divinities or simply affirm that they possess a supernatural ability . Whether with a sincere belief in this quality or not, many individuals profit thanks to this supposed skill, charging for consultations and services.