Definition of


Yellow umbrella among many gray ones

The extraordinary is out of the ordinary, it is exceptional.

Extraordinary is a term used to describe something out of the ordinary, incredible , exceptional, or beyond the ordinary. In everyday life, understanding this concept is crucial, as it allows us to appreciate and recognize those notable things, people or events that stand out for their uniqueness or excellence.

In various contexts and areas of life, the extraordinary can manifest itself in different ways. On a personal level, it can refer to outstanding achievements , fascinating skills , or surprising experiences that enrich a person's life. In the professional field, extraordinary can be associated with unusual success, innovation or significant contribution in a specific field.

In interpersonal relationships, recognizing the extraordinary in others fosters appreciation and empathy, strengthening social bonds. In art, culture and creativity , the extraordinary is manifested through admirable works that transcend the conventional, inspiring and leaving a lasting impression.


The word extraordinary has its roots in Latin. It comes from the combination of two terms: extra ("outside") and ordinarius (" ordinary , regular"). Therefore, the meaning from an etymological point is literally "something that is out of the ordinary or that deviates from the common."

The historical evolution of the word has maintained its fundamental meaning over time. From Latin, it passed to the Romance languages, such as Old French and Spanish, preserving its essence of something amazing or prodigious .

There are some terms that, although used synonymously, have certain differences. For example, exceptional shares the idea of ​​being beyond the ordinary, but is often associated with something that deviates positively from the norm, while extraordinary can encompass both positive and negative aspects, simply denoting that it is out of the ordinary.

We can also mention the word unusual , which suggests something that is not common, but may not carry with it the connotation of something outstanding or notable , something that generally occurs with extraordinary . These nuances may not be relevant in everyday speech, but they are relevant when creating a literary text.

the lord of the rings

The Lord of the Rings takes us to an extraordinary world, both for its characters and its landscapes and stories.

in culture

The manifestation of the extraordinary in culture can be seen through various works in literature, film, art and music, which have explored themes related to the wonderful , spectacular, stupendous, majestic and other qualities that evoke the exceptional. .

In literature, we can mention the following works:

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez : this masterpiece of Latin American literature presents a magical and wonderful world, full of extraordinary characters and events;
  • The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien : this epic story immerses us in a world full of extraordinary beings, magnificent landscapes and a story that transcends the ordinary;
  • Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll : this work is a journey through a surreal and fantastic world, full of peculiar characters and extraordinary situations.

Some films that address the extraordinary are:

  • The Wizard of Oz (1939) - This classic film transports viewers to a dazzling and wonderful world, full of magical colors and characters;
  • Life of Pi (2012) – explores the relationship between the real and the extraordinary, taking the audience through a visual and emotional odyssey;
  • Pan's Labyrinth (2006) : Directed by Guillermo del Toro, this film mixes reality with magic, creating a unique cinematic experience.

In the field of painting, we can highlight:

  • The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh – This masterpiece is an example of the magnificent and stellar in art, with its unique depiction of the night sky;
  • The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dalí : This surreal painting is an example of the phenomenal and extraordinary in the exploration of the perception of time.

Two musical works focused on the extraordinary are:

  • El Bolero, by Ravel : This piece of music is known for its chilling repetition and development, creating a unique and powerful sound experience;
  • Sinfonía Fantástica, by Hector Berlioz : a musical work that explores the extraordinary and the sublime through its innovative structure and emotional expression.

These works and authors have managed to capture the extraordinary in their respective media, providing their audiences with unforgettable experiences and demonstrating the ability of art and culture to rise beyond the ordinary.

DNA chain

The discovery of DNA was an extraordinary scientific achievement.

in science

The history of science is marked by discoveries and events considered extraordinary, which have promoted research and innovation. His search has been a fundamental driving force in the advancement of scientific knowledge. Below, we highlight four scientific milestones that align with these characteristics:

  • theory of relativity : proposed by Albert Einstein , it is an example of what is brilliant and formidable in science. It radically changed our understanding of space, time and gravity;
  • discovery of DNA – The elucidation of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick is a unique and superior achievement that has had a profound impact on biology and medicine;
  • double slit experiment : belongs to quantum physics and reveals the unique nature of subatomic particles, challenging our traditional understanding of reality;
  • CERN and the discovery of the Higgs boson : The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider is a celestial event in particle physics, completing our picture of the Standard Model.

Science, in its search for the original and brilliant , is characterized by exploring the unknown and confronting the formidable . This has led to the identification of celestial phenomena, such as black holes and neutron stars, that defy our conventional understanding. The scientific method has allowed scientists to explore the extraordinary in nature, from the microscopic to the cosmic . Astronomy, for example, has revealed to us the greatness of distant star systems, some of which are famous for their unparalleled magnitude.

Scientists are also responsible for the creation of monumental technologies, from the industrial revolution to the digital age, in addition to having triumphed in conquering diseases, unraveling the secrets of the genetic code and raising humanity's standard of living. Today, science continues to explore the unknown and the priceless . Exoplanet research, advanced artificial intelligence and nanotechnology are examples of areas where science seeks excellence and the inimitable.

In short, science remains an illuminating beacon that reveals the extraordinary in the natural world, not only driving historic discoveries, but also guiding scientists toward new horizons, toward the pinnacle of knowledge and understanding.