Definition of


Exhaust sport

Exhausting the opponent is a good tactic in sports

The Latin word extenuāre came to Spanish as extenuar . This verb refers to weaken or break .

Some example sentences

For example: “The employers intend to exhaust the workers with comings and goings” , “The telephone company wants to exhaust me so that I do not continue with my claim, but I am not going to stop until the day they return my money” , “ Be careful, if you demand so much from your employees you are going to exhaust them and that is not beneficial for anyone.”

in sport

Exhausting, therefore, is associated with getting tired or fatigued . In the case of sport, it is possible to use this verb to refer to tactics or parts of them that have the objective of hindering the advance of opponents. This occurs when there is a confrontation between two teams, when a player tries to make his opponents waste their energy trying to beat his marking , for example, since without it there will not be much they can do to win the game, beyond their technique or your experience.

Let's take the case of a basketball player who specializes in the defensive aspect. In each match, this basketball player has the function of marking the rival team's scorer, chasing him throughout the field and constantly putting pressure on him to make his actions difficult. This suffocating defense aims to exhaust the opponent , causing him to run out of energy and strength.

We can observe something similar in soccer, where defenders can use different tactics beyond simply marking players who are trying to advance towards their goal. There is no single way to approach a role in this sport, just as it happens in almost any other: the main objective is to obtain victory in each match without breaking the rules , which includes respecting the physical integrity of other players and refraining from insult them. Exhausting, exhausting the enemy so that their performance declines is within the range of possibilities.

Other meanings

The idea of ​​exhaust can also be used as a synonym for exhaust , in the sense of extinguishing, finishing or ending . Suppose a company accumulates a lot of debt and is on the verge of bankruptcy. The owner of the company, worried about the future but willing to continue fighting, gathers the workers and tells them that he is going to exhaust all possibilities before declaring bankruptcy. In this way, it is communicating that it will try different alternatives with the aim of leaving the crisis behind.

Exhausting resources, meanwhile, means ending them . To avoid the depletion of natural resources, it is necessary to avoid overexploitation and not waste them. The first step is to raise awareness of our relationship with them, to understand that if we respect them we will benefit, both economically and in our health and that of our descendants.

Exhaust natural resources

Responsible use of natural resources so as not to exhaust them

While the spotlight is often placed on industry when assessing the state of the environment, consumer habits are as important as extraction and exploitation methods . Before using any product we should ask ourselves if we really need it, and then moderate its use so as not to use it up prematurely. Precisely, after consumption comes waste, another crucial point in this chain that is also linked to environmental pollution.

One option we have today is to buy highly energy efficient devices: it doesn't matter if we are talking about an electric oven, a computer or a television, today's appliances are much more environmentally friendly than their predecessors. Sometimes it is necessary to invest a little more money to do our bit and prevent natural resources from being depleted.