Definition of



Mining exploitation is an economic activity of great importance.

Exploitation is the process and result of exploiting . This verb, from the French exploiter ( which can be translated as "to take advantage" ), refers to appropriating the profits or benefits of an industrial sector or a commercial activity, and to abuse of the qualities of an individual or a context.

For example: "The English millionaire wants to participate in the mining exploitation in the Patagonian province" , "We will have to optimize the resources so that the exploitation is profitable for us" , "Comrades, if we do not unite, capitalist exploitation will never stop and we will be condemned to live in poverty .

Economic exploitation

In the field of economics , exploitation refers to all those interrelated activities that make it possible to obtain resources from a certain source.

In this sense, we can speak of mining exploitation (to obtain minerals), agricultural exploitation (linked to plantations), livestock exploitation (cattle, pigs, etc.) or fishing exploitation (related to aquatic species).

Dominion of the powerful over the weakest

Within the sociopolitical context, exploitation is associated with inequalities between social classes and the unequal distribution of income . The notion refers to the relationship established by the dominant sectors with the weaker classes. In that sense we can speak of labor exploitation , which implies a series of abuses committed against workers .

This exploitative relationship between employers and employees represents the reality for countless people around the world. Not even the few people who claim to enjoy their work (either because they have made an effort to cultivate their vocations to have greater control of their lives or, simply, because they have found a job where they feel comfortable) enjoy fair conditions. . However, the injustice begins one level higher, since their bosses are the first to be forced to face very high taxes that have nothing to do with the economic situation of their country, as well as a series of rules that call into question the attractiveness of being an entrepreneur.

As often happens in other cases, the situation is too complex to propose an instant solution. Many say that in principle no one should accept abusive conditions when starting a work relationship, but in practice, not everyone can afford to reject a job. However, it is not necessary to go to that extreme to bring about change; There are opportunities that would not cause the same impact but that can help shape reality little by little, that do not require more than a "no" to an inconsiderate request or a complaint at the time and with the appropriate characteristics.

Left-wing parties, on the other hand, mention the exploitation of underdeveloped nations by industrialized countries . This exploitation is usually reflected in the imposed fixation of an economic relationship that harms the poorest and a bond of dominance/subordination .


Slavery is a type of exploitation in which the victim loses their freedom.

Other uses of the notion of exploitation

The concept of exploitation can also refer to the natural conditions, talents or abilities with which human beings are born. Societies are structured so that only a few ask questions and seek their own path, while the majority follow pre-established routes, moderated in such a way that they do not hinder the plans of those in power . There are two opposing positions about talent : on the one hand, there are those who believe that we all have immense potential, which would allow us to achieve anything we set our minds to, be it on an artistic, sporting or scientific level; On the other hand, a more conventional view speaks of gifted beings, who inevitably distinguish themselves from their environment.

For biology , exploitation is a type of link that occurs through the interaction of various species in which some benefit from others that are harmed.