Definition of



An experience can be a transcendental or remarkable experience.

Experience , from the Latin experientĭa , is the fact of having witnessed, felt or known something . Experience is the form of knowledge that is produced from these experiences or observations.

Specifically, this Latin word is made up of three different parts: the prefix ex , which is synonymous with "separation"; the verbal root peri -, which can be translated as "try", and the suffix - entia , which is equivalent to "agent quality".

Experience as an acquired skill

Other uses of the term refer to the prolonged practice that provides the ability to do something, to the event experienced by a person and to the general knowledge acquired by the situations experienced.

For example: "The boss asked me if I had experience in this type of matters and I had to tell him the truth" , "The experience gained in ten years of work was vital for success" , "The team needs an experienced player who is capable of guiding young people .

Its importance at work

One of the areas where the term experience has the greatest importance is in the workplace. And when companies launch personnel selection processes, they opt, in most cases, to hire those candidates who have extensive experience in the areas they wish to cover.

This can be demonstrated in the resume through positions that have previously been held in other similar entities. In this sense, it must be said that when what is fundamentally valued is experience, it is the professionals who have been working for the longest years who have priority over the youngest ones who are beginning their career path.


Experience is key in the workplace.

Experience as a way to acquire knowledge

Human beings and some animals have the ability to acquire knowledge from experience. This knowledge is linked to procedure (knowing how to do something) and to the empirical. Therefore, it is a posteriori knowledge (it is acquired after the experience itself).

The usefulness or value of the experience will depend on each person. Experience is usually associated with maturity or age: the older you are, the more experience. However, not all older people know how to capitalize on this experience and transform it into useful knowledge.

It should be noted that, in everyday language, an experience is a circumstance or event that, due to its characteristics, is transcendental or worthy of note in a person's life : "Having lived abroad for five years was a very important experience for me» , «Suffering a robbery is a traumatic experience for any individual» .

The notion in sexuality

In the same way, the term in question is also used within the field of sexuality. In this case, it is used to refer to the knowledge and skills that any person has in that field and that has been acquired over time and through the different relationships that have been maintained with one or several people during that time.

However, in this field the word experience is also used to refer to those situations that have never been experienced before and that are carried out to discover new types of pleasure or simply to discover sex itself. Thus, for example, when any young person loses their virginity it is said that they have had their first sexual experience.