Definition of


Vladimir Putin

Due to their ideas and actions, some political leaders are branded execrable.

Execrable is that which, due to its characteristics or condition , is susceptible or deserving of execration . The term has its etymological root in the Latin word exsecrabĭlis .

Deserving of criticism

To understand what the idea of ​​execrable alludes to, therefore, we must first focus on the concept of execration . This is what the act and result of execrating is called: cursing , denigrating or reproving something .

Something execrable, therefore, receives vituperation and criticism . It can be an action, an attitude, a comment, etc., or even a person.

Some examples

Let's start by studying the following sentences to see the term in context: "The majority of the political leaders of this country are execrable, they only want to get rich and do not care about the well-being of the people" , "The president's execrable speech was condemned by the opposition and by a large part of society” , “That they have decided to lock those who try to cross the border in search of a better life in cages seems like an execrable initiative to me.”

The first sentence shows us a statement that is quite common in many countries, given the difficulty of representing a people from the government, especially when corruption and lack of communication come into play. Discontent over the decisions and lies of political leaders is a daily topic in the media in much of the West, but it is an endless cycle: citizens elect their representatives by voting, and Then they criticize his way of governing .

Of course, if the rulers were honest, this problem would not exist: no one would call them execrable if they legitimately dedicated themselves to protecting their people. The second example affects the world of politics again, although in this case the execrable object is a speech given by a president: both citizens and the opposition make public their discontent with his words. It is not uncommon for certain issues of great importance to be treated with a lack of tact in the political sphere, and this arouses strong and well-deserved criticism from the people.

Finally, we have one of the most worrying issues in the world today: hatred towards immigrants . Millions of people are forced to leave their country in search of a better life, of the opportunities that they do not receive in their own. They do so with the genuine desire to look for work and support themselves honestly, but unfortunately they often encounter contempt and a large number of barriers, not to mention excessive violence .

More situations

Suppose a man beats his girlfriend to death, dismembers her, and then cremates the remains. When the news spreads, no one hesitates to describe the crime as execrable . It can even be said that the femicide, due to his brutality, is in himself an execrable subject .

A man threatening a woman

Gender violence, like any other, is execrable.

Abuse, in any of its forms, is a clear example of an execrable act. Whether against a woman, a man or, worse still, a child, no one should invade the freedom of another, arbitrarily harm them, torture them. We are the only species that attacks its own individuals, and that is why we have so many problems that we do not find in any of the others.

Let us now take the case of a journalist who receives money from a mayor to invent news and hide others. This individual does not fulfill the social role that a communicator should have and shows his lack of ethics. That is why it could be argued that he carries out an execrable job , since he deceives the community to which he should inform truthfully.