Coming from the Latin word excellentia , excellence is a word that highlights the considerable quality that makes an individual or object worthy of high esteem and appreciation.
The notion of excellence, therefore, is related to the idea of perfection and outstanding characteristics . The term indicates that which is above the rest and that has few flaws or weak points; In the world of consumption, it can be a product of proven quality or an innovative one.
Excellence in people
In the case of human beings, excellence refers to some unusual capacity or ability or a talent that is difficult to match. It can also be a very high moral condition, although it is more common to find this concept in an academic context or in relation to some artistic discipline. If taken as a synonym for perfection, it is a dangerous term, since to achieve it it is necessary that there are no errors or people that prevent us from achieving our goal.
Pursuing excellence in any field of knowledge represents a series of sacrifices that most people are not willing to make. Figure skating, for example, is a discipline that requires starting studies at an early age, and that requires around thirty hours of training a week, all accompanied by an adequate diet and rest according to the amount of exercise. If we add to this that very few manage to become great skaters, capable of living from their vocation, and that in general they must submit to countless tournaments and international competitions where a small mistake can lead to failure , it is difficult to understand how a passion can become a kind of torture.
Surrender to a vocation
What could be wrong with dedicating yourself completely to the development of a vocation ? Nothing. Absolutely, nothing. If it were not for that degree of determination and dedication, we would not be able to marvel at the music of Vivaldi or the books of Ana María Matute. As long as it is a voluntary act, which is based on an authentic need and which allows us to fully enjoy our existence, any sacrifice in pursuit of personal growth will be more than repaid. The problem begins when there are pressures, whether from parents or from the structure of society itself, that overshadow the life of a passionate person with rewards and scores, with empty goals and malicious comparisons .
However, even though enjoying one's vocation and living it freely sounds much more beautiful and fair than enduring ruthless competitions to achieve public notoriety and, in the best of cases, excellence, the absurd complexity of the structures created by human beings make it almost impossible to fight against these rules. On the other hand, although sometimes it is difficult for us to remember it, we are all free to choose a different path , unrelated to titles and qualifications, to cultivate our talents in a spontaneous and pleasant way.
Excellence as a treatment of respect
Excellence, on the other hand, is the treatment of respect and courtesy given to certain subjects due to their condition, employment or dignity. In Spain , this formula is used by the nobles who hold the Greatness of Spain (a noble hierarchy): "His Excellency will enter the room in a few moments" , "This dining room was built thanks to a donation from His Excellency the Marquis of Sandoval » .
It should be noted that this treatment can also be used to appoint judges, diplomats and other authorities: "If Your Excellency allows me, I would like to explain the reasons that led me to make this decision."
"Your Excellency" , finally, is a film released in 1967 that stars the Mexican actor Cantinflas and is directed by Miguel Delgado .