Definition of


The etymological origin of the term exasperate that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, we can establish that it derives from the verb “exasperare” which was used to refer to something being uneven or rough. It is the result of the sum of two lexical components: the prefix “ex-”, which means “outwards”, and the adjective “asper”, which can be translated as “rough” or “rough”.

However, as time went by, it became synonymous with “infuriate” or “angry.”

The notion of exasperating refers to causing anger or irritation in someone. When a person is exasperated, they feel enraged, upset, or indignant .

ExasperateFor example: “The poor service began to exasperate users, who did not hesitate to express their discontent” , “The technical director became exasperated again at the press conference when faced with questions from journalists” , “These types of statements "They only exasperate the neighbors who have been waiting, for a long time, for a solution to their problems."

In addition to the words mentioned, others such as irritate, anger, irritate, outrage, anger, exacerbate or get mad are synonyms of this verb. On the contrary, if we talk about their antonyms, terms such as calm, reassure, soothe or appease stand out.

He or she that exasperates is classified as exasperating . A person who must wait more than two hours for service at a bank , to cite one example, may become exasperated by the situation: he or she does not understand why service is so slow and becomes upset by the loss of time.

In the same sense, an individual who tries to communicate by telephone with a health center to request an appointment may become exasperated if a recording tells him that all the operators are busy and asks him to wait a few moments. When he has been on the phone for half an hour without being answered by any human being, the subject loses patience , but cannot hang up since he needs the turn in question.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that a person can become exasperated if when he returns home in his car after the work day he finds a big traffic jam and has to spend a lot of time standing on the road.

A noise that prevents sleep, a man who lies blatantly and does not accept it, bad weather that lasts for several consecutive days and problems that make it difficult to surf the Internet on a recurring but random basis are some reasons that can exasperate a person.

Within the scope of literature and culture in general, the verb that concerns us now can also be used on numerous occasions. This would be the case, for example, of the book “How to exasperate your partner. Practical method to become an ex.” It is a work by the author Marcela Manrique, published in 2008 where she gives advice to get the couple to decide to break the relationship they have with her.