Definition of



Someone who is exacerbated is indignant or furious.

The adjective that concerns us now comes from the verb exacerbate . And the aforementioned verb has its origin in Latin, since it derives from “exacerbare”, which can be translated as “irritate” and was formed by the union of two very well-defined lexical components:

-The prefix “ex-”, which means “outwards”.

-The term “acerbus”, which is synonymous with “sour”.

Concept of exacerbated

He who is exacerbated , therefore, feels angry, irritated or disgusted . Other synonyms of this word in question are angry, angry, pissed off, enraged, infuriated or exasperated. Among its antonyms we can highlight calm, calm, relaxed or calm.

For example: “The driver, exasperated, got out of his vehicle and invited the taxi driver to fight,” “The coach of the local team entered the field of play in an exasperated manner to argue with the referee over a ruling,” “You won't achieve anything good if you are exacerbated when you talk to your boss: you better calm down.”

A person can become exacerbated for various reasons. In large cities, traffic is usually a cause of exacerbation: when subjects are exacerbated, attacks are frequent. An individual may also become aggravated by injustice or disrespect.


Exacerbated nationalism often leads to xenophobic attitudes.

Intensification of something

The idea of ​​exacerbated, on the other hand, is used to refer to the exaggeration or intensification of something . A political analyst, to cite one case, can mention the “exacerbated nationalism” that is growing in a country. In this framework, it analyzes the danger posed by the establishment of a trend in which foreigners are considered dangerous individuals or who harm the development of the country.

A biologist, on the other hand, can warn about the risk involved in the “exacerbated use of agrochemicals” in crops. The specialist points out that these substances not only damage soils and plants, but can also cause health problems in farmers who work there and in all those who consume products grown in this way.

In the same way, in recent years, given the rise that feminism has experienced, voices have emerged that have spoken out against it and that have referred to it as an exacerbated feminism that tends towards confrontation and that shows angry in certain situations. However, that is a really controversial approach.

COPD exacerbation

Within the field of medicine we have to highlight that the term in question is also used. Specifically, we talk about the exacerbation of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). This is an episode that worsens the aforementioned lung pathology, which increases the risk of death and even significantly reduces the quality of life.

For an exarcebation of this type to occur, there must be an infection as well as other diseases and even an environmental factor.