Definition of



There are shows that are massive events.

Event is a term that comes from the Latin eventus and, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , it has three main uses. In several Latin American countries , an event is an important event that is scheduled . This event can be social, artistic or sporting.

This use of the concept contradicts, in a certain way, the meaning of an event, which refers to something unforeseen or something that may occur even though there is no certainty about it. An eventuality is something that goes beyond the limits of what is planned; an event such as those mentioned above, on the other hand, must be scheduled in advance.

The third use of the term encompasses both meanings: an event is a happening , a thing that happens. From this perspective, the event can be planned ( "Everything has to be ready for tomorrow's event" ) or it can appear unexpectedly ( "An event came up and I couldn't attend the meeting" ).

Types of event

Therefore, a distinction can be made between two major types of event. A planned event is one whose organisation is planned in advance.

For example: "Tonight's event will pit the two best teams in the tournament against each other" , "There will be three events at the Law School next month" , "The Rolling Stones concert has been the most popular event of the year" , "There are no more tickets left for Friday's poetry event" .

Such planning requires some coordination between those responsible for carrying out the event. From a music festival to a press conference, from an industrial fair to a scientific symposium, many events must be planned.

Even at a personal or family level, events can be planned. A birthday celebration, an anniversary party, and a wedding require weeks or months of planning.

An unforeseen event , on the other hand, arises in an improvised or unanticipated manner. A family reunion can occur spontaneously when two siblings happen to meet at their parents' house, to mention one example.

News conference

A press conference is an informative event.

An observable phenomenon

In science , an event is a phenomenon (an observable fact at a given time) or an occurrence that occurs at a given position and time (therefore, it can be specified as a point in space-time ).

In mathematics, a statistical event is a subset of a sample space. It refers to the possible outcomes that can be obtained from a random experiment .

Event in IT

In computing , an event is an action that is detected by a program ; the program can then use it or ignore it. An application typically has one or more threads dedicated to handling the various events that are presented to it. Common sources of events include user actions with the keyboard or mouse. It is worth mentioning that any program has the power to trigger its own events, such as communicating to the system that it has completed a particular function.

An event-driven program is one that changes its behavior in response to events that occur during its execution. These are generally used when there are a series of activities external to the computer that must be recorded, which are carried out asynchronously to the life of the application. The event is first detected by the system; the program in question will receive it only when it is ready, and then it will analyze it and see if it has any use for it.


A charity gala to raise funds for a hospital is a charitable event.

The concept in video games

In video games, there are a series of actions that take place independently of the player's intervention, which combine with events triggered by the latter to complete the experience. In the legendary "Tetris" , for example, the pieces fall through the center of the playing space until the user presses one of the directional keys to change their course. In addition, it is possible to rotate them, depending on the version, in one direction or another. In short, the flow of the game does not depend on events, but they affect the result.

Regarding the design of the code of a program that accepts events, it is important to keep in mind that it will not always be possible to react to the event at the exact moment of its occurrence; for this reason, you can record it and decide whether it will be used later. An example, again in the field of games: the main character is falling from a platform and the player presses the jump button; the developers can decide to save this data to make the hero jump once he touches the ground, or to discard the event due to lack of coherence with the situation.

Event examples

Taking into account the most common sense of the notion, it is possible to list multiple examples of events.

Let's say a group of comic book fans organizes a convention : this meeting is an event. Events are also promoted by the museum that presents an exhibition of paintings and by the professional association that invites to a congress .

Nowadays, there are also digital events . A live stream , a webinar , a virtual workshop and an online course are some examples.

A round table , a political event , the opening of a business , a fashion show , a graduation ceremony and a theme party are other examples of events.

In some cases, determining whether an event is an event or not is more difficult to determine. A film screening may be a special event or part of a theater's daily activities. A similar thing happens with a theater performance , which may be part of a regular program or a specific or extraordinary proposal.