Definition of


Man speaking into microphone

An evasive speech serves to strategically avoid certain topics.

Evasive is an adjective that describes what allows you to avoid an inconvenience or conflict . It is a term that comes from the Latin word evāsus , in turn derived from evadĕre (which can be translated as " to elude ").

Avoid conflicts

Avoidant is one who avoids focusing on something problematic . By extension, the notion applies to the person who evades a definition or treatment of a controversial or complicated issue . For example: “The mayor was evasive when talking about the measures that could be taken to reduce public spending” , “I did not like the evasive speech that the president gave, I hoped that she would take care of the citizens' complaints” , “The actor did not want to give details of his love life and was evasive during the press conference.”

We can say that in the three examples the characters' attitude aims to avoid a problem , a situation that would cause them discomfort, although each case has its particularities. In the first, there is talk of a mayor who during an official meeting did not want to address the problem of excessive public spending, to the discontent of those present , who were expected to propose a possible solution .

We continue with the case of a president who, in the context of a speech, evaded the issues that the people wanted to discuss. This attitude is very common on the part of political leaders, and generates deep discontent among the people and a lack of confidence in the Government in general. Finally, we have an example of a very common situation in the world of entertainment: an actor from whom journalists try to extract details of his private life; However, he manages to mention only the data he wants.

Suppose that a journalist interviews a deputy accused of an act of corruption . The communicator asks him details of the episode and demands precision based on the information that has emerged about the event, but the legislator does not answer with specific data but chooses to allude to other issues. It can be said, therefore, that the deputy offered evasive answers or even that he was evasive in the conversation with the journalist .

pudu deer

The pudú deer is a naturally evasive animal, native to the Andean area of ​​South America . It is a mammal that tends to hide when it notices the presence of people. We must clarify that we usually talk about "evasive animals" to refer to those that prefer to stay away from human beings and, therefore, are difficult to see. Although there are species that usually have this characteristic, the adjective can be applied to any individual that behaves in this way.

pudu deer

The pudu deer is an evasive animal by nature.

Two names by which the pudu deer is also known are venado or, pudú . Note that pudu is the genus to which these animals belong, which are part of the deer family, of which they are the smallest . Broadly speaking, we can say that its extension ranges between 60 and 90 centimeters, while its height is usually between 30 and 40 centimeters. Its weight ranges from 7 to 10 kilograms and its head is characterized by its limited extension.

Regarding its color, there are individuals with a coat that combines shades of gray and yellow, while others have it that is more reddish and brownish. This last combination is what newborn babies have, which also exhibit small spots of white or, in a much smaller percentage of individuals, cream. Its main habitat is the forest, especially in areas where coligüe and quila are abundant .