Definition of


Money laundering

Tax evasion involves not fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes established by law.

Evasion is the action and effect of evading or escaping (avoiding a difficulty, avoiding a danger, illegally taking money or goods out of a country, fleeing, escaping). The term comes from the Latin evasĭo .

The concept can refer to a prison escape . In this sense, evasion is the action that allows one or more prisoners to escape from prison and evade surveillance and security systems. For example: “The criminal carried out the escape in a few minutes and is now being sought by the police” , “The guards managed to stop four prisoners from escaping” , “I was in prison for three years and evasion was an idea that was on my mind every day” .

Escape involves different crimes depending on the condition of the detainee. If the person who escapes was serving a sentence , escape will make him responsible for the crime of breach of sentence. This is the case of a man sentenced to five years in prison who escapes when he still has three years to serve. On the other hand, if the fugitive was under a provisional or conditional release regime, escape will make him lose his bail.

Tax evasion

Tax evasion , also known as tax avoidance , is a legal figure motivated by the non-payment of taxes established by law . Evasion is a voluntary act of non-payment that is legally punishable by being considered a crime or an administrative infraction.

Black money is money that has evaded the payment of taxes, whether it is profits obtained through illegal activity or legal profits not declared to the tax authorities.


The idea of ​​evasion can be associated with a prison escape.

The term in cinema

In the world of cinema, there have been films that have the term in question in their title, as they deal with the escape of prisoners. This would be the case, for example, of “Escape to Victory” , a film from 1981 that tells how, in the middle of World War II, the commander of a concentration camp decides to organize a football match between a team of Germans and a group of prisoners. The latter will see in this match the possibility of achieving not only victory but also of escaping from the hell they are living in.

Of course, we should not forget the film “The Great Escape” , which dates back to 1963 and tells how prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp begin to hatch a plan to escape from there. They will thus plot a series of actions, including the excavation of a total of three tunnels.

Similarly, we could highlight the feature film “Escape from the farm” . It was released in 2000 , a cartoon film that tells the story of a group of chickens trying to escape from the farm they live on before the owners kill them.

In addition to all this, we should add the adjectival expression “of evasion” . This is used to refer to all those literary works, television programs or radio shows that have the clear objective of getting their audience to forget their problems, escape from reality, and entertain themselves.