Definition of



A stage can be a phase or period.

The concept of stage has its origin in the French word étape and can refer both to a portion of the path of a specific journey, as well as to the place where a pause is made to rest within the framework of a transfer or to a phase in the development of a certain activity or action.

An example where the word appears: «In this first stage we will cover Santa Fe; "Tomorrow we will resume and begin our journey northwards," "We are still in the initial stage: the process is long."

Different uses of the term stage

In some fields, such as technology , stages are understood as each of the phases of a technical procedure ; For history , they consist of each historical moment with its distinctive particularities. In some books it is present as a synonym for the concept of period .

In military jargon this term is understood as the portion of territory that is granted to the troops while they are on campaign or in activity. It is generally delimited by geographical or artificial limits, so that it is more evident where the land to be monitored begins and ends.


Rally competitions usually take place in stages.

The concept in scientific research

Another way to understand the term is through the use given to it on a scientific level, where the process through which science carries out a certain investigation ( Scientific Research ) is divided into stages. In this case, each stage refers to each of the phases that must be carried out to achieve knowledge.

The scientific research method is considered a logical and rational process where a certain problem related to a specific science is posed and an answer or solution is attempted to be obtained. One of the fundamental elements that must be present in each investigation is the coherence between the various stages, and if contradictions arise it is strictly necessary for the researcher(s) to find out why they exist and how they can be eliminated.

The fundamental stages of scientific research are: choosing the problem (choosing the topic on which the research will be carried out), stating the objectives and hypotheses (description of what it is believed that the study will result in), choosing techniques that will be used (decide on the most appropriate method to carry out the task), collection of relevant data and confrontation of the hypothesis (detailed study on the data that has been obtained), development of conclusions and final report (preparation of a report where verify the results of the investigation so that they are useful to other researchers in similar cases).

It is worth mentioning that success in the knowledge process will inevitably depend on the orderly completion and coherence that exists in each of these stages.

Phrases that include the notion of stage

Returning to the definition of the concept we can add that some idioms present in our language are made with this term, examples of this are:

*Concrete something in stages: significa llevar a cabo de modo gradual o por partes sucesivas una determinada cosa para conseguir un objetivo planteado con anterioridad.

*Burn stages: hace referencia a pasar de forma acelerada por las fases programadas de un proceso o acción. Por ejemplo se dice que un niño quema etapas cuando madura antes de lo que se estipula como normal en una person.

An Ecuadorian company

Finally, as additional information, we will mention that Etapa is the name given to a landline telephone company in Ecuador . It is a public entity that depends on the Municipality of Cuenca and covers both landline and public telephone services as well as Internet service (through Etapatelecom ) and carriers present in the town of Cuenca .

This municipal firm, which was created under the name EMLAT , also provides municipal drinking water, sewage and environmental sanitation services, and also maintains a park in the Cajas area.