Definition of


tarragon plant

Tarragon is used as a condiment and as a medicinal plant

The Greek word drákōn , which can be translated as “dragon” , came into Syriac as ṭarẖon or ṭarkon , which in turn led to the Arabic ṭarẖūn . This term became the French estragon , the closest etymological antecedent of tarragon .

aromatic herb

Tarragon is an aromatic herb that is used as a condiment . Scientific name Artemisia dracunculus , it has stems up to eighty centimeters, lanceolate leaves and yellow flowers.

Traditionally, tarragon has laxative, diuretic, antiseptic and carminative properties , among others. In ancient times, the consumption of tarragon was recommended to treat scurvy and toothache .

Despite its health benefits, today the use of tarragon occurs mainly in the culinary field . Regarding its state, it can be used fresh or dried.

in the kitchen

French gastronomy uses tarragon frequently. With this spice , oils , vinegars and alcoholic beverages are flavored, for example. Its use is also important in herbal mixtures such as bouquet garni and herbes de Provence .

Tarragon chicken is one of the most popular recipes with this seasoning. Another well-known preparation is béarnaise sauce , made with lard (butter), egg yolk, vinegar, wine, shallot and tarragon and used to accompany meats and vegetables.

It should be noted that tarragon is not only present in French cuisine. In the Arabic salad known as tabbouleh , tabbule or tabbouleh , tarragon is one of the central ingredients, along with lemon juice, bulgur wheat, tomato , lettuce and olive oil. Tabbouleh is served cold.

The secret of these and other dishes lies in the peculiar flavor of tarragon, which is reminiscent of anise but somewhat spicy . Just like oregano, parsley and cilantro, the most sensitive palates do not confuse this condiment with any other, and that is why they use it for very specific purposes to give more personality to their dishes.

medicinal plant

As mentioned above, tarragon has a series of properties that make it an ideal plant for health care. The digestive system is essential for our body, since it is thanks to it that we can feed ourselves, but it can suffer from different disorders that complicate this basic function. And tarragon can help us combat several of them.

For example, it is indicated for cases of poor digestion, for cases of cramps, colic caused by gas and flatus. To take advantage of its benefits in this field, it is recommended to use it as a condiment or in the form of an infusion. More serious problems, such as stomach ulcers, can also be combated with a tarragon infusion. Only lemon surpasses it in its nerol content, a component to treat gastritis.

tarragon tabbouleh

One of the main condiments in tabbouleh is tarragon.

It may also offer benefits for liver care, because it is a natural stimulant of bile production. This is due to its choleretic effect (its content of choleretic substances). On the other hand, it contains cholagogue substances, ideal for expelling bile from the liver. Together, with both effects it helps cleanse the liver and gallbladder, while preventing the formation of stones.

Diabetes is a disease that can strongly affect a person's life, and tarragon also plays an important role in this case. Using its extract it is possible to reduce blood sugar values ​​and enhance the effect of insulin on cells. It should be noted that science has not yet confirmed its effectiveness in this regard, so it is not recommended to ignore the doctor's instructions in favor of using this plant.