Definition of


Woman stretching

Stretching is important to minimize the risk of injury when performing physical exercise.

The act and result of stretching or stretching is called stretching . The action of stretching, meanwhile, has several uses according to what is accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary .

The first meaning mentioned by the RAE refers to extending or lengthening something . Stretching can also consist of loosening the numbness ; ensure that what was bent is no longer so ; or cause something to become tense .

Stretching and physical activity

Stretching is part of the physical or sports warm-up . In this framework, the activity involves the development of a series of gentle movements that allow increasing joint amplitude and preparing the muscles to subject them to greater intensity effort.

Thanks to stretching and other warm-up routines, the risk of injury when training or exercising is reduced. Stretching reduces the level of lactic acid present in the muscles, minimizing tension, increasing flexibility and promoting mobility.

Although it is often left aside, stretching is relevant in any training or physical activity. It is essential to stretch both before and after exercise to prevent possible physical damage.

Why it is important to stretch your muscles

We said above that stretching helps to increase flexibility . This is key since flexible muscles have greater resistance to effort .

Stretching also helps reduce muscle tension. Thus the person gains agility , facilitating movements .

Because muscle tension grows with effort, stretching after training helps you regain relaxation. That is why pre-stretching and post-stretching are essential.


It is important not to engage in excessive stretching which can cause damage.

When and how to stretch

It is advisable to start the preparation with a cardiovascular warm-up that allows the temperature of the muscles to increase, open the airways and increase the heart rate progressively. This phase usually consists of a few minutes of jogging. Then you should work on joint mobility before moving on to stretching.

In this way, after about ten minutes of activity , you can begin the stretching itself. First, an easy stretch is developed without straining the muscles, and then you advance until you experience moderate tension.

Once you feel this tension, you must maintain the position for ten to fifteen seconds. If pain appears, you need to relax since excessive stretching is taking place.

At a general level it can be said that stretching always has to be done gently and without forcing the body: pulling and bouncing are not positive. In any case, to take care of your health, it is advisable to consult a professional regarding the best way to perform the stretching, taking into account the individual athletic and organic conditions and by virtue of the exercise that is intended to be carried out.

Another use of the concept

The RAE also mentions that the idea of ​​stretching can refer to conceit or vanity . An uptight person is proud and arrogant and tends to behave with affectation.

Stretching, in this sense, implies a way of acting that reflects a feeling of superiority . In other words, the uptight individual believes that others are inferior to him.