Definition of


Physical exercise

Lifestyle is built according to interests and habits.

Style is a term that comes from the Latin word stilus . The concept can refer to a way , a habit or a manner .

Life , meanwhile, is a notion with a complex definition that is often the subject of debate. In this case, we will stick with its meaning linked to the way of living (that is, of spending the time that life lasts).

The idea of ​​lifestyle , in this framework, is associated with the interests, customs and behaviors of a person or a community . It is a set of issues that determine, to a large extent, how individuals live.

What is lifestyle

Already in Ancient Greece, reference was made to what is understood today as a lifestyle. However, it is common for Alfred Adler to be mentioned as being responsible for the modern meaning of the expression.

Adler considered that lifestyle is a system of behavioral norms that subjects implement to achieve their goals. It combines intangible issues (such as individual preferences and values) with tangible elements (related to sociodemographic factors).

It cannot be ignored that the lifestyle in an urban center is different from the lifestyle in a rural town. Beyond the subjectivity of each human being , the environment affects the type of life that can be led.


A healthy lifestyle contributes to increasing well-being.

Differences with worldview and ideology

It must be considered that lifestyle is not identical to worldview or ideology . Although there are coincidental points, they do not allude to exactly the same thing.

Lifestyle is formed by customs and behaviors , reflected in diet , clothing and hobbies , for example. These decisions are influenced by each person's ideas and values.

It can be said that people who share the same ideology have very different lifestyles. In turn, it is possible for two men or women to develop similar lifestyles but have dissimilar worldviews.

Lifestyle and health

Many times, lifestyle is linked to health . In these cases, the lifestyle is defined from the actions that someone performs, considering them according to their effects on the body.

A healthy lifestyle is achieved if you exercise frequently, avoid drugs (legal and illegal), take care of your rest hours, and eat healthy foods. On the contrary, those who are sedentary, smoke, drink alcohol daily, sleep 5 hours a day and eat junk food, maintain a lifestyle that threatens their health.

At a general level, it can be noted that a healthy lifestyle increases well-being and reduces the possibility of suffering premature death. In any case, of course, there are multiple causes that can alter this panorama. Not all variables are susceptible to control nor can events be foreseen, so lifestyle does not in itself define how or how long one lives.