Definition of

Siege status


The state of siege resembles a war situation.

State is the disposition in which a person or an object is found and the political concept that refers to a form of social organization. Site , on the other hand, is the place that serves something or the process and results of besieging (encircling).

The exceptional regime that a government declares in certain special situations is known as a state of siege . The characteristics of the state of siege depend on the constitution of each country.

In general, the state of siege resembles the situation of war , where extraordinary powers are granted to the security forces for repression . In this way, an attempt is made to guarantee social peace and avoid outbreaks of violence.

The state of siege in Spain

In the case of Spain , said state of siege, which is included in article 116.4 of the Constitution, has to be declared by the Congress of Deputies by absolute majority and always on the proposal of the Government. In this sense, it is important to establish that it may be declared as long as a palpable threat has occurred or exists that threatens and endangers the constitutional order, the integrity of the Spanish territory or the existing sovereignty.

In the state of siege, the guarantees provided by the constitution are usually suspended. Arrests become more arbitrary in the absence of legal mechanisms, which makes the state of siege a highly contested mechanism.

Security forces

In the state of siege, the security forces have access to extraordinary powers to repress and preserve social peace.

Habeas corpus and curfew

Most countries, however, maintain the institution of habeas corpus during a state of siege. This legal institution guarantees the personal freedom of the individual and seeks to avoid arrests without justification.

In some countries, the president has the ability to establish a state of siege, while in other nations congressional authorization is required.

The state of siege is linked to the curfew , which establishes a certain time after which the free movement of citizens is prohibited, generally for security reasons. In the state of siege, for example, public meetings or demonstrations are prohibited.

Movie “State of Siege”

In the cinematographic field there is a film titled precisely "State of Siege" . In 1998, this North American production was released, directed by Edward Zwick and starring actors such as Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Tony Shalboub and Bruce Willis.

Specifically, it tells how New York City becomes the focus of a series of Islamist terrorist attacks after the North American government has carried out the kidnapping of one of the Muslim religious leaders.

A fact that will cause action to begin to end the situation. This will result in the government not only establishing the so-called state of siege but also in the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) working together to stop this criminal organization and terrorist who is causing terror in the United States.