Definition of



The essence of a person is something invariable that constitutes them and makes them unique.

The essence is that invariable and permanent that constitutes the nature of things. The term comes from the Latin essentia , which in turn derives from a Greek concept. It is a notion that refers to what is characteristic and most important of a thing.

Essence is what makes a being or object what it is . For metaphysics, the essence is the persistent reality in a being beyond the modifications that arise from the accidental; This means, in other words, that regardless of the superficial changes a person or thing goes through, their essence (which represents the traits that make them unique) will remain intact.

The essence of people

People often talk about the effect of money and fame on people, how power changes them, distances them from their origins and turns them into cold beings detached from their sensitivity. This represents a phenomenon that occurs to certain individuals, and in no way can it be said that it is inevitable for those who manage to fulfill their dreams of being known internationally. In any case, continuing with the idea raised in the previous paragraph, the essence would be preserved pristine.

The set of doctrines that are dedicated to the study of essence is known as essentialism . Philosophical essentialism maintains that essence precedes existence, something that denies the freedom of the subject.

The French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, in "The Little Prince" , the famous phrase that points out that "what is essential is invisible to the eye." With these words he refers to the fact that what truly constitutes a being is not its physical appearance or appearance, but rather the essence is given by feelings.

aromatic substance

The concentrated liquid of an aromatic substance is called essence.

The rise of the material and the physical

In recent decades, human beings have given more and more importance to physical appearance and material possessions, neglecting our cultural and natural roots. We are divided into pretty and ugly, tall and short, thin and fat, and fewer and fewer people make the effort to look beyond these superficial labels. The media constantly sells us supposedly romantic stories that begin when one of the two members of the future couple is dazzled by the physical beauty of the other, and enchantment is confused with love, the surface with the content.

The same thing is happening with art, in all its aspects: it is increasingly difficult to find an authentic work, conceived as a product of inspiration and a genuine love for creating. In his desire to catalog, package and sell , human beings have corrupted and bastardized everything they have touched, from love to music ; Nowadays, a good song is the one that sells the most, just as a good singer is the one who is able to sing the most high notes, or who, to compensate the public for his lack of talent, has a more attractive body.

Years go by and, despite the market's efforts to impose new trends and models, those people whose work was sincere and legitimate continue to transcend, perhaps less pompous than the prefabricated offers of current times, but true, resistant to erosion. of time and the concern of fashion.

Essence in chemistry

For chemistry , essence is a liquid substance that is formed by the mixture of hydrocarbons and that has characteristics similar to fats, although they are more volatile and have a more penetrating odor.

In a similar sense, essences are perfumes or concentrated liquid extracts of an aromatic substance . For example: "I'm going to buy a rose essence to perfume our room," "The bread pudding has several drops of vanilla essence."